Chapter 33- Can I get a Refill please?

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"I'm sorry if I'm a little unbelieving that a ghost could choose me to run his bar." I say slapping the deed down onto the table.

We were back in our hotel room and I was now drunk with confused anger. And whiskey.

Winter shakes her head. And picks up the deed realigning the papers.

"Solus, specter's don't just show themselves to anyone. I think it's a good thing that this happened. I think you should see the brighter side in this."

"So I'm supposed to be comfortable that I now own a business that I don't even know how to run?" I lean against the wall not able to keep my balance.

"Solus, I can help you. You don't have to do this alone." She says and that the minute my phone goes off again for the hundredth time to day. Snatching my phone out of my pocket I throw it against the ground making Winter jump.

The phone now completely shattered, the broken screen glitching for a couple of seconds before fading to black.

"Why can't they just give it a rest?" I slide down the wall as tears burn behind my eyes. But I don't let them fall, willing myself to save some face.

I've already cried too much in this life, I'm not trying to drown myself.

Bubba pads over and pushes his snout against my cheek sniffing me. Whining softly as he licked at my face, only wanting me to not be so angry. I pet his head as he lays his head on my lap.

"Well, I guess the first thing you can do is get yourself a new phone." Winter says as she leans over the edge of the bed.

"I'd rather limit all contact with everyone for the time being. I don't want anyone being able to get a hold of me."

"But what about Neoma?"

"I have my laptop I can still keep up with my assignments. I just don't want to talk to anyone."

Winter is quiet for a moment and Baby meows from his bed in the corner. Uncomfortable with the silence I'm assuming.

"Solus you're going to need to face this eventually."

"I know."

"So what are you going to do. Stay in Amsterdam for the rest of your life? You think you can avoid King Nikolai for very long, he's a hunter."

"He's a prissy bitch that's had life handed to him on a silver platter. I don't imagine him knowing how to hunt a rabbit, let alone hunt me. His only method so far has just been to blow up my phone." I sneer coldly. Bubba huffs as I continue scratching behind his ears.

"Solus, I need you to think clearly for a second. You need to have a plan right now because you're flying blind, and you're going to crash if you don't figure this out."

I sigh leaning my head against the wall. She's right. I've never not been so unprepared before.

"I think for now, I'm just going to stay here on my own."


"You need to go back Winter. If they find out you're with me, they're going to use what ever they have to get to you knowing it will lead them to me."

"Are you sure this is what you need?"

"No. But I don't want them hurting the only friend I have."


Winter left the next morning, both of us promising to keep in touch through email. She took Bubba and Baby with her and promised to take care of them for the time being.

Making my way back to the bar, I wasn't surprised to find it exactly how it was yesterday. The same faces, with the same drinks. I really hoped I wasn't surrounded by more ghosts.

I saw the bartender and made my way over to him.

"How you doin' boss?" He asks.

"Just call me Sol. You never told me your name."

"Brian." He nods.

"Brian, what happened to the last owner and why did he leave a Will after his death?"

"I couldn't tell you. But I knew he wasn't ever able to have kids. I think that may have been the reason for his will."

"And how long have you been working for him?"

"I worked for him three years before his death. The good man died peacefully in his sleep. But every day, he'd come and play on that piano and the place would be packed."

"Yesterday you said no one had played that piano in ten years. How did this place stay open if there was no owner?"

"Another thing I don't know, but I was still somehow getting paid so I'm not complaining. Probably divine intervention. But the place is now yours, and I only got one question."


"Do I still got a job?"

I smirk and couldn't help the laugh that escaped me.

"Yeah Brian. But I would love another bottle of whiskey please. I might as well keep the tradition alive."

He gives me a toothy grin and nods to me. Passing me another bottle of the same label, I make my way over to the stage. Opening the piano lid and taking a seat on the bench, I unscrew the cap and take a large chug.

Show time.


I was on the piano for hours playing every song that I could think of. I notice the influx of people steadily increase as I kept playing.

The music bleeding out into the streets capturing their attention. I drank to keep myself distracted and not pay attention to the hundreds of eyes watching me.

My hair hanging in front of my face as my fingers danced over the keys. When one song ended the applause would be muffled as I took another fierce drink. Making up for the dozens slapped out of my hands by the lycans.

The bar cleared out soon and Brian walked out turning off the lights. He sighed and rolled his shoulder making a hard pop sound.

"We haven't had a rush like that in years. You made good money tonight."

"We Brian. You were the one making all of the drinks, I was only playing."

"That's where most of the money is. Good music and scotch."

"We're gonna need more help though. You can't just be making all those drinks on your own." I say.

"I can make a few calls to some old friends. Hopefully they'll be willing. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course."

Waving him off I make my way back to the hotel. The night cold and windy. The sky however was clear and the moon shining beautifully on the town.

For once it felt like I had some sense of direction.

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