Chapter 69- Through the Trenches

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Christine took all of the letters and photographs back to her place, telling me she'll talk to Holland on her way out.

The next day is spent indoors with my dogs. Stretching on as I brings watch Criminal Minds on Netflix. The day slowly turning into night while the inside of my bedroom is filled with the smell of cannabis.

Looking at the time I notice the night is still fairly young. I decide to put in a little elbow grease and text Seffy.

-I'm on my way.

He texts back almost instantly.

-Good, the night has been quite interesting.

I throw on a pair of tight black shorts, slipping into thigh-high fishnet stockings, and my regular combat boots. Squeezing into a sports bra, I put on a black button up. Leaving my hair loose, the dark strands falling down in tangled waves making my hair look greasy.

Smearing kohl eyeliner all over my eyes as Morty watches from the door, his head tilted to the side, his big floppy ears touching the floor.

"Why are you so adorable?" I ask smiling at him through the mirror. Morty barks up at me, panting with his tongue out. I laugh as I bend down to pick him up.

"Remember, when I look like this it's because I'm going to brutally fuck the patriarchy in submission by bashing the head of my male enemies for money." I coo at him, Morty perking up and licking my face which makes me giggle.

Just as I grab my car keys my phone goes off.

I immediately knew who it was and I just knew it wasn't worth the trouble. Grabbing my phone, I hit answer.

"You must love making me worry." Nikolai's voice comes up on the other end. I smirk but I don't say anything. "Why can't you just stay home? You don't need to go back there, I can give you what every you need."

"Nikolai it's a pride thing. I've never had or needed anyone do anything for me." I say taking a seat on the couch.

"Well I want to do this for you. So you don't ever have to go back there again and risk your body for their chaos. Please Solus, I'm begging you here, don't step out that door. I'll come over, I need to see you."

My wolf whimpering at the plea in his voice, and I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose. My head drops to the back of my couch and I hear Baby meow from his bed.

Nikolai has found a way to pull my heartstrings and I don't know how to feel about it.

"Fine." I sigh.

"I'm on my way." He says and I hang up. I text Seffy telling him I wouldn't be coming. Leaving the window open, I head back into my room to change. Wiping the makeup off my face and changing into something looser, I head back out into the living room to see Nikolai coming in through the window.

"I like brawling Nikolai." I state almost instantly. "It's good for stress relief and I get to beat people up."

"You took a lead pipe to the knee the last time you were there." He says shrugging off his jacket, looking relaxed in plain blue jeans, a black t-shirt and boots. "Speaking of which, let me see."

Sitting on the couch I roll up my pant leg for him to see. It was nothing but a scar now, a thin line of pale flesh over the side of my knee. Nikolai sitting next to me gently grabbing my leg and inspecting the scar.

"It healed nicely." He mutters.

"Nothing to be worried about." I say moving my leg out of his hold.

"You were about to throw yourself into that snake pit again, I wasn't about to let that happen."

"And what if I told you no, and I still went. What would happen then?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

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