Chapter 66- Let Me Have This

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"An extradition order."

Nikolai looks up at me from his place behind his desk. I haven't removed one inch of my father blood off of my body, I was too interested in this.

"He told you?"

"He said someone behind Lycan lines put an extradition order out on him." I say closing the door behind me and walking towards him. "He made the dumbass assumption it was me that put the order out on him."

Me was silent for a moment. The air between us tense, Nikolai's eyes surveyed me from my feet to the top of my head, before they settled on my stomach.

"You need to eat." He states.

"I'm not hungry." I snap back.

"You were in a long session with Bari, then you jump immediately into torturing your father. And that went on for quite some time. Solus you need food in your system, your still in a delicate state right now." His eyes scream concern but that's not where I am.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

He stands. "Solus,"

"Wait that's not my question," I scoff. "Who else did you snitch to?"

He sighs as my eyes bore into his.

"About what exactly?"

"I know that you know what my father did to me. I know you told Natasha! Was there anyone else?" My voice rising.

"No, Solus there is no one else who knows. Only Natasha." He says moving closer to me. Stopping in front of me, his eyes stare back into mine. His scent smothering my riled up attitude and coaxing me to relax.

And I do.

His hands comes up, the back on his knuckles gracing my cheek and I feel exhaustion pushing it's way into my body.

"You haven't slept in days." His voice low.

"I don't need to sleep." I grumble.

"Well you need to shower, and you need to eat, and if you want, I can have a bottle of rum brought up."


"Tequila then?" He says his head cocking to the side as he stares down at me.

"No. It's not time to drink yet." I say and turn leaving the room.

An hour later, I'm freshly showered and sitting on Nikolai's bed as he spoon feeds me a plate of white rice and stew chicken. I had no choice in the matter, he was stuck to the idea like glue.

Industrial strength gorilla glue.

"I have a machete I can use." I say as I chew away at my food. Nikolai sitting in front of me loading the spoon with another mouthful. "Newly bought, hasn't been used."

"You should let me have a turn with him." Nikolai scoffs.

"He's mine." I snap coldly. Nikolai's eyes meet mine, the blue in them calm and relaxed. He says nothing as he lift the spoon up to my mouth. After a beat I take it, chewing silently.

Finishing the plate, a servant comes in and takes the mess away. Nikolai stands from the bed undoing the first few buttons of his shirt as he takes his seat next to the bed.

"Why did you put an extradition order on him?" My voice low with fatigue. My body was giving out. "You could have just snatched him up and called it a day."

"A couple centuries ago, maybe." He says leaning back in his seat with a sigh. "But today, everyone is too sensitive. Acting as a king would, would only encite fear within the public. A couple thousand years of ruling and the one thing I know, is that I don't want my people to fear me. I had to do everything by paper but that seemed to be..."

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