Chapter 67- A Paradox of Two

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"Rae." I said softly.

She refused to even lift her eyes to look at me. Today was the day she would travel back home, but I didn't want her to leave without saying anything. It's been a week as she's refused to say anything.

"Rae say something." I sighed as she stood in front of the car that would take her to the airport. Raenah had exhausted herself so much helping me that she couldn't get back on her own.

"What do you want me to say Sol?" She breathed out.

"Anything then you being silent." I said aloud. "Rae you can't see me any more differently than you did before."

"You do understand that's a ridiculous statement!" She snapped as her eyes lock with mine.

The day was dull, a constant breeze with a white sky that showed no sun or formation of clouds. The entire day seemed grey.

"I've looked into your most painful memories and I never thought for a minute that I'd see what I saw." She said as she leaned against the side of the car.

"I know."

"And it's not even cringe worthy memories of your youth, but painful memories that no child should have to see."

I scoff.

"So that's how you see me now? You think I am a child?" I ask.

"Solus no." She says, crossing her arms over her chest. "But it's wasn't that long ago either. And here I am, after years! I didn't think this would happen between us. At one point I loved you."

I reach out and pull her in for a hug as I feel tears hitting the fabric of my shirt.

"Raenah I completely understand that you had absolutely no reason to do this." I say calmly. She sniffles as her arms tentatively wrap themselves around me. "But you actually don't know how much you've helped me. So thank you."

"Will you actually be okay after this? Will you actually find peace?" She whispers.

"Im working on it."

After Raenah left I decided to journey back to my apartment. My babies in tow and happy to be home again. Bubba, Baby and Morty all running around the apartment and playing.

I decided to make myself comfortable and play a movie while I browsed for apartments in Amsterdam. Also looking into dual citizenship.

Maybe from the money I make from the bar, I could finally go to Prague like I wanted. The evening went on and late into the night I was on the phone with a Warlock making plans to see the place he was renting out.

After the conversation was over and I had bought the tickets, I got a knock at my door. Going to open I saw Christine standing there looking mad.

"I wonder what could have your panties in a twist." I say sarcastically as I lean against my door.

"You're leaving?" She growled.

"This is obviously not a conversation for the hallway." I say as I step aside letting her in. She snatched off her sweater as I close the door and she turns on me.

"Nikolai just told Holland, who just told me that you're thinking about moving to Amsterdam. Permanently!"

"I'm not thinking about it. I'm doing it. I've just got off the phone with a warlock renting a house off his property." I say moving passed her to reclaim my seat on the couch.

"What about us!"

"What about you?"

"You're leaving us Solus!" Christine growls angrily. "You're leaving and you don't even care."

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