Chapter 20- Glamour Eyes

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The next few days were spent alone, but my evenings were filled with Winter. She came over a lot and brought different treats for me to try.

I came to the conclusion that I liked her vastly better than Hal and I could probably call her a friend. Along with that my bruises were clearing up much faster than normal, in a few days my face was almost completely free of any mark made.

"Winter do you wanna go get some ice cream?" I ask and she pauses the game looking at me. A smile stretches across her face and we gather our things. I take Baby and place him gently in my pocket.

His little head hanging out with his nose up as usual.

"I wonder why you took him in? What stopped you from giving him to the shelter?"

I sigh as I lock the door.

"I don't know. He's a blind kitten, and I almost ran over him on the highway. The world was gonna be mean to him and I didn't like that thought. Better he's with me than with someone who wouldn't treat him well."

"He's a really smart kitty." She bends down to my pocket petting Baby's head.

"Yeah, he's learned the apartment pretty well but he loves to fall asleep where ever I am."

We walk to my car and Winter shrugs on her long fluffy pink sweater as the chill of the night wraps around the both of us. Her wings hiding underneath the sweater and we climb into the car.

She makes good use of my speaker as we head towards the ice cream shop. Most people giving me stares the minute I walk in. Winter and I claim a booth by the window, opening it I take out a cigarette and light it.

"Do you know anyone here, a lot of people seem to be staring at you." She says.

"They're not staring at me, they're staring at us." I say and a great cloud of smoke puffs out as I pass her Baby. She takes him with a smile as he meows in her hand licking her fingers. "There are not a lot of faeries this deep in pack lands."

"For good reason, people often think we are obligated to grant their wishes if they catch us with a butterfly net. Humans and supernaturals alike." She says and Baby puts his nose to hers making her smile.

"Well sit here, Imma go get our cups." I say. Picking out strawberry ice cream and getting it decorated with candy and sprinkles, and a plain cup of caramel ice cream for me. Presenting her the treat she gasped and smiled.

"How did you know I liked strawberry ice cream!" She says excitedly as she happily takes the cup from me. "And you put sweets on it!" Her tongue poking out to lick the cold pink treat.

"Just a wild guess." I say with a chuckle. Baby pulls up onto the table and moves towards me as Winter begins digging into her sweet treat.

Baby curling up on the table just beside my elbow as I eat my ice cream. I put a little bit of ice cream on a napkin and hold it out for him. He lifts his adorable little nose and his tiny pink tongue comes out.

Soon enough he's eating up the ice cream.

"He's so cute!" Winter squeals. I laugh as the shop bell rings as someone opens the door. Inside steps Hal and the smile falls from my face. He comes in with his friends and I almost go unnoticed.

"Sol?" Hal's voice falls over my ears and I sigh to myself. Winter obviously sensing my discomfort. He comes around the table, his eyes find the kitten first. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you at school in a while now."

"Taking care of some home stuff." I say.

"Yeah when are you gonna let me see you're new place by the way?"

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