Chapter 17- Filling Up

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The way the club sucked me in and spat me out was on a different level euphoric.

Stumbling through the back alleys to where my car was parked. My vision blurred and hazy. I let out a drunk laugh and climbed into the drivers side.

Squinting my eyes as I searched for the button. It felt like forever until I got the car onto the street. Somehow keeping my car steady as I peeled out of the city and got on the highway home.

Dancing in my seat as I drove through the darkness of the trees. The song making my body move and laughter bubbling in my chest. My hair getting caught in front of my face as my head tilts to the side.

My drunk state making it hard for my eyes to stay open. My hand coming up to move my hair as I laugh, I pinch my cheek to keep myself awake. Opening my eyes fully I see the form of a creature on the road.

My feet reacting quickly as I slam on the breaks. My car lurching forward before skidding to a halt just in time. The small animal covered by the front of the car. My heart thumping in my chest as I try to calm my breathing.

My stomach flipping as I struggle for the handle of the door. Opening it and almost tossing myself out. My foot catches on the railing but I grab the door just in time before I could fall.

Finding my footing, I stumble around to the front of the car. In front of the tire was a small black kitten. It's eyes completely snow white as it sniffed my way. Meowing at me, I shakily get down to my knees reaching towards it.

I reach out with a finger at the tiny thing. Lightly touching it's ear, then it's small head. It nuzzles it's head against my finger. Then moves in with its tiny legs to feel my hand with its face.

Scooting closer to it, I pick it up in my hands. Feeling the soft fur, I could smell all the dirt that was collected in its fur.

"Hello pretty baby." I coo as I hold it to my chest. "How'd you get all the way out here?"

I stand and circle back around to the drivers side.

I was careful on driving the rest of the way as the kitten was snuggled into my lap. Swerving poorly into a pharmacy I left the kitten on the seat with my sweatshirt covering him. I felt like this whole situation was idiotic.

No one in the house was allowed to own a pet. Mostly because we were wolves and anything smaller than us, we'd eat. But that's was my father usually said. I never ate anything that wasn't cow, steer, could be made into bacon, or fried.

I stumble inside the pharmacy, the cold air sobering me up as I grabbed a basket and made my way through the isles. Grabbing pet food and snacks along with a bottle of cheap wine, I made my way to the checkout lane.

The cashier gave me a bizarre look, eyes wide as they traced over my body. I wasn't too concerned with the fact I looked like I had just escaped a murder scene as I place my basket on the counter.

"I'm new to the neighborhood." I say flatly.

Leaving, I exit the pharmacy with my bags hanging from one hand. A light drizzle starting up and the clouds covering the moon.

"Solus?" I hear someone call behind me. I turn my head to see Victor and Natasha walking across the parking lot to me.

"What in the name of Luna, why do look like you just committed a homicide?" Victor asks as he takes me in. I give a drunken grin and shake my head.

"It's a long, funny story." I say.

"Solus are you drunk?" Victor asks lowly.


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