Chapter 53- Lost Memories

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Natasha was crying fat tears of sorrow as I explained to her what I saw in Sol's memory.

Natasha tried to contain herself but she couldn't help the tears. My sister leaning into her own lap as she hugged herself. We sat in my newly refurbished office as I spoke.

"She fell asleep after eating, but I kept asking if she remembered anything after that and she said no." I ended it there gauging her reaction. "I was thinking of putting her father on trail."

"No." Natasha sobbed. "It's not up to us." I looked onto my sister sadly. Natasha was a genuinely a very cheerful person. She's been going through life with nothing but smiles, and I could tell Solus had an impact on her as she would normally shy away from anything involving pain.

"She'll resent you even more for putting her personal issues in public like that Nicky, you can't."

But my beast disagreed. We truly wanted to just rip him apart. Tear him limb from limb, skin him alive and put his skin on a flag pole.

"I don't know what else to do. I don't know how I can help."

"It's Solus." Natasha cuts me off. "From what I observed from them these last few months, she is a private person. She is not the one to expose her dirty laundry not to anyone. It isn't up to us to decide how she wants to handle this. I don't think there is a way we can help her."

I look away, leaning back in my seat as Natasha wipes at her tear stained face.

"Nicky," Natasha called my attention. "Solus doesn't even remember."

Her words sunk in deep as she explained.

"She's already been through hell, imagine her father going on trial for something she doesn't even remember and had an obvious influence on her alcoholism and drug addiction. Almost to her entire being. It would mentally destroy her."

"So we make her remember." I say and hand her my handkerchief and watch as she wipes away the tears that trailed down her porcelain cheeks. "Christine explained Solus has a history with Practitioners. We call one and remove the block in her mind."

"That is cruel Nicky and you know it." Natasha said sternly. "The one thing we can't take away from Solus is her choice."

"How do you propose we handle this then Natasha?" I snapped. "We let her descend further into her addictions until she's forgotten everything, even who she is!?"

That's the last thing I wanted to happen. But, I knew there was a strong chance that it would happen.

"What do you propose then Nikolai? We trample through her memories until she's completely mentally broken?"

"Of course not! What I'm saying is, I don't mind killing the fucker tonight." I huff.

That brought in silence. Natasha's sniffling has ceased and I was deep in thought. I sat back in my seat with a sigh. Running my hands over my face as I was mulling over every solution possible.

What the hell could I do?



I woke up to the sound of Bubba's whining. A sharp pain in my leg making me grunt as I pushed myself to sit up.

I was in my bed, and I smelled like chinese food.

So first things first....a damn shower.

It took a lot of effort and a lot of ignoring my own pain, but I did it. I effectively smelled like lemongrass and my skin was free of any dirt whatsoever. As I was brushing my teeth my phone went off.

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