Chapter 5- I Hate Cherries

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Hal once again left me alone in the library as he went on to party with his friends.

I didn't mind Hal leaving, he didn't have a lot of reasons to stay, I was just here to help him pass the time. The rain had finally let up and it was stuck to a light drizzle. The shining light of the crescent moon was somewhat visible.

Moving quietly along the isles as music played from my pocket, swaying my hips as I hummed along to the song. It was peaceful.

"Did you read the paper today?" A cheery feminine voice belonging to the Lycan girl took that peace from me in almost a second. "It's actually quite funny to me."

"No, didn't get a chance." The lie is smooth and I push the cart down away from her.

"Then shall I read it to you?"

"Would I have a choice?" I ask as I slide a few books back in the right spots.

"Are you not a fan of the school news paper?" She asks.

"I don't read it."

"But a lot of students here read the news paper. I've noticed that it's the best source of gossip." She says.

"I'll leave you to be the judge of that." I huff and continue on with the intent to leave her.

"I'm afraid I haven't introduced myself, I'm Christine." She follows behind me. "I understand that yesterday I must have left you feeling a bit flustered. My kind don't have the talent for easy social interaction amongst other supernaturals. We are very private."


I notice how dry and short my responses are. It's better I keep them like that instead of encouraging her.

"So how long have you gone to school here? You look young. Second year?"


"Oh well I guess you're almost out of here then. What are you studying?"

"History and micro economics."

"Any reason?"

"Nope." I stop in one isle shoving books back into place. Filling each of the spaces as I try to ignore her presence.

"My friend Victor is teaching here." She says. "So are many of my other friends. But Victor told me a really funny story that happened today."

I don't let her see the suddenly blocking in my movements as I face away from her. Pretending to be more fascinated in the book than her story.

"He told me he was sitting in Professor Leslie's class, I wonder if you have him. Oh but anyways, he told me he was sitting in the back of the class, all the students coming in from the second door so no one noticed him." She started to giggle.

"Oh but apparently only seconds before class was about to begin, a student climbs her way through a window that was two hundred feet above ground. Falling on the floor and running to her seat just before the professor got in."

Christine light and dainty sounding laughter filling the empty space in the conversation.

"I never heard of anyone doing that." She says. "It's just so funny don't you think?"

I put the book back on the shelf and turn to face her. Her laughter going quiet as her eyes lift up to mine.

"Your eyes, wolf, are shining a great deal. Some people might find that offensive." Her tight smile hiding the bubbling annoyance in her spine.

I step closer looming over her petite figure. I was letting this girl know that I was not her friend. What ever she was doing was annoying me. I saw the subtle shift in her stance, her throat swallowing down her nervousness.

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