Chapter 36- Talk to Me Comrade

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It was very late into the night as I sat on my computer. The Skype call with Winter came and went easily. Telling her that Nikolai found me but to not panic and that I was okay.

We talked for a short while before we both hung up. Nikolai sat shirtless on my bed with a cold look on his face.

"Faeries really are very talented liars." He growled.

"She did it for me, so don't get mad at her."

"Still I went to her four times!" He stood angrily from the bed.

"Nikolai it's useless to get mad about it now. I'm here, you see me. I'm here! So just calm down." I shake my head at him and take a puff of my pen. He growls reclaiming his seat on the bed. A moment of silence passes between us as I scroll through my emails.

No missed assignments. Good for me!

"Why did you come to Amsterdam of all places? I thought you'd go to Prague?"

"In Amsterdam I can smoke weed outside and not have it be a problem. People are just more relaxed here." I say lowly. Sighing I spin towards him in my chair. "Look Nikolai, I know I said some messed up shit back home. And I'm sorry. I legit called you a mama's bitch and called you out on Josephine. I shouldn't have done that."

"We said a lot of things that shouldn't have been said." He hums. "But I never had someone call me a mama's bitch. Honestly I've never heard that phrase used before."

I smile softly to myself but say nothing.

"We do have a lot to talk about Sol."

I nod in agreement. "I think I got just the thing that will help us." I stand heading over to the mini fridge and pull out a mason jar of the clear liquid that Winter sent to me.

"What's that?"

"It's a very potent drink. I think it can even get a Lycan drunk. I took one sip of this and I never felt happier in my life."

"Is it safe?"

"It's alcohol."

"A royal is not supposed to be see drunk and out of sorts." He stands.

"Who's watching?" I gesture around us. "If you won't snitch, I won't."

I grab his wrist leading him to the bed. Making him sit as I grab a shot glass off the nightstand that was next to an empty bottle of bourbon.

"There's not enough."

"You're not going to need that much."

I poured him a shot and he eyes the glass before taking it from me and sniffing it. I stood their waiting, he then sighed and threw the shot back. Instantly he almost fell back onto the bed but I had grabbed his shoulders keeping him steady.

"You alright?" I ask bending down and looking into his eyes. They glow as a slow smile graces his handsome face.

"I feel so warm," he chuckles. "And happy."

I couldn't help the snicker that escaped me. Taking the shot glass I refilled it only half way and threw it back. Immediately storing away the drink and sitting next to Nikolai on the bed.

The buzz hit me in seconds and I covered my mouth as I let out a giddy laugh.

Nikolai laughed along with me, his laugh deep and carefree. But it only made me laugh harder. Pushing my face into the pillows as my laugh became high pitched and squealish.

"What is happening to me?" He fell to the floor onto his hands and knees laughing. "I can't stop laughing." He says heaving and I couldn't find the will to talk. My own breath escaping too quick with every attempt to speak.

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