Chapter 65- Judgement Day 2.0

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"What's going on?" Holland stops and Victor passes us both with two guards at each side. "If felt the magic lift, is Solus alright?"

"I don't know." Holland says as Victor and the others speed off into the night. "Solus looked fine, but Bari has been hysterical since we saw them."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"She wouldn't stop crying. And she wouldn't stop apologizing to Solus. But Solus looked calm and she was only comforting her. I don't know what happened." Holland shook his head.

"Did Solus say anything?" I ask as we both start to walk in direction of Bari's room.

"She only told Victor to go retrieve a man by the name of Lorenzo Reviera."

"Her father?"

We both make it to Bari's room to servants crowded outside the door. Listening in on the conversation in just as much confused as I was. What was Sol doing?

When the servants saw us they jumped back and fell into a bow, showing their necks as Holland and I passed them barging into the room.

We paused as we saw Solus gently holding Bari's hand as Bari fell asleep. Whispering to her softly as she petted her head. I've never seen Raenah like this, I also never thought I'd see Solus like this.

Comforting, gentle, maternal.

It didn't look like her at all.

We stayed silent until we were sure she was asleep. Solus stood from the bed, laying the blanket over her and walked passed us both without another word.

I followed her out as Holland locked the door behind us.

"Why did you send for you father this late?" I ask. Solus was silent as she walked down the hall. I tried pushing my way into her mind but it was like an iron door keeping me out.

Whatever was happening in her mind right now, she didn't want me to see it. I followed her back to my room, she simply got in the shower and said nothing.

I tried the entire time to get some kind of information. My beast working hard to mind link her, but it was no use. Solus was hellbent on keeping me out.

She emerged from the bathroom half an hour later just as Victor knocked on the door. I stood blocking her body from view as he spoke.

"We have him downstairs. He's throwing quite the tantrum however." Victor says. He looks to me expectantly but it's Sol that speaks.

"I bet he is." She replies cooly and disappears into the closet. She emerges moments later wearing a few of my clothes. In fact everything she was wearing was mine.

Loose fitting sweatpants under a large t-shirt, but she wore her own boots. Her hair hanging freely as she walked out the room. We followed her as the noise of a man's irritated growling and complaining wafted through the halls.

Down at the base of the stairs, two guard stood holding Sol's father. He thrashed about snarling as he bared his fangs in attempted intimidation. But he stopped when he saw Solus.

His hair matted and greasy no doubt from his pillow pressing into his head. His face having the imprint of fabric on his skin. A tall man, obviously a pack warrior once.

But the smell of whiskey was strong on him. He was drinking before he went to sleep.

The silence between Sol and Lorenzo was strong. Looking to Sol, I saw how emotionless she was, but her hands fisted at her sides, I saw a small trickle of blood run from her knuckles.

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