Chapter 22- Music of the Jungle

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"They want a show." Seffy says as he looks up from his phone.

"How much?"

"What are you two talking about?" Holland asks.

"They rose the bets to ninety-two." Seffy says with a cackle. "I'm gonna try and get it to ninety-five."

"Are you going to brawl?" Christine asks.

"I don't know because Seffy is trying to get it to ninety-five instead of just letting it be ninety-two." I say as I say relaxed in my seat, my feet up on the coffee table as I watched the match happening.

"Hold on, you're not actually fighting right?" Victor asks but I smirk and shake my head, taking a sip of my scotch as I look to Seffy.

"Sol, I got it up to a hundred!" Seffy says and I sit up in shock.

"Stop being greedy and accept that." I say pointing my finger at his phone. After a few texts exchanged back and forth he looks up to me with a grin.

"Next match is yours for a hundred and fifteen thousand." He says and I laugh as we clap our hands together.

"Holy shit!" Winter gasps. "That leaves me with so much wiggle room. Oh my goodness your bedroom is going to be insane!"

"Jesus Winter." I laugh and stand as the bell rings for this match. The two opponents pulling apart and growling angrily at each other.

"Solus where are you going?" Nikolai asks.

"You can watch the show right through here." Seffy says as he follows me out the room.

Taking off my shirt and tying it around my waist as we get closer to the cage. Seffy helps me up over the crowd onto the stage. People begin to cheer the minute the see me.

Multiple people in the cage as they stared at me hard. Word was quickly spread over how much money was being bet. They wanted it just as much I did. Smiling as I began climbing the cage bars. The crowd of people howling as I made my way to the top.

Turning my head up I see everyone gathered at the window watching me. Nikolai was clear in focus as I felt his eyes on me. My skin prickling up in goosebumps at the heat of his stare but, I ignored it and dropped down into the cage.

Landing swiftly on my feet in the middle of the madness. I smile as I look around me to the nine other people. Stretching my arms around as they all grilled me down.

"I'm sorry for being late!" I shout over the cheering. "Maybe we could make nice?"

I hear the anger roar of one man as he came at me from behind. I quickly spin grabbing his arm and twisting it back. My leg snapping it quickly hitting him in the throat, the delivering a hard left hook to his cheek. Sending him to the ground in a heap of a dizzying assault.

I smile to myself in satisfaction.

"I think not."

They all start in and I crouch low baring my fangs. All swinging for me, some managing to hit each other. I had two men on me while the others turned on each other. Raising my fists as they both lunged at me.

Side stepping them and grabbing the collar of the one on my left. Yanking him back he slides on his feet. His back hitting the cage.

He pounces first, every attack he makes, I deflect. The second opponent comes up behind me his foot kicking into my ribs sending me stumbling to the side.

"Rude." I growl as I quickly bring myself to stand, I lunge first at them. My fist moving quickly. Right hook to the first man's jaw, knocking his head back I grab the second one by the throat. Pulling him in as my knuckles connects to his nose.

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