Chapter 11- Making Nice

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Sitting at home as I played through the zombie game. My headphones on as I moved through the layout of the shopping mall.

My phone kept going off with unread text messages but I refused to look at my phone. I knew it was only Hal who was begging for my attention, and trying to make nice so he wouldn't have to suffer the consequences.

I had already planned my outfit for the following day and the scheme for Hal's punishment was already planned. I just had to make it through the next few days of sunshine.

The next morning I wore a thin, nearly see through wife beater, no bra. Wearing camo-print short shorts with thigh high fishnet stockings, and my dirty black combat boots.

I threw on some leather fingerless gloves and a chain that had dog tags printed with my name and date of birth.

I left my hair loose and grabbed my black leather jacket with my book bag and headed out.


The minute I grabbed my coffee I sniffed out Hal who sat in our usual seat. His lips wrapped around the straw of a french vanilla iced coffee as he stared at his phone.

Quietly sneaking up behind him and peaking over his shoulder at his phone. I see my name on his screen. I grab my phone and put it to his ear, the ringtone startling him.

"Don't sneak up on- you're not wearing a bra." His voice falling into a whisper.

"Oh?" I say placing my coffee down and unloading myself. With the exaggerated movements of my shoulders, I puff my chest out as I let it slide off my arms. "I was in such a rush today that I completely forgot."

But I knew nothing of what I said mattered as he surveyed me from head to toe. His eyes glazing over into pools of lust.

I snap my fingers in his face bringing his attention back to me and I adjusted my hair to cover myself up.

" you're really taking this bet seriously?"

"Yuh." I say as I take a sip of my hot, bitter coffee.

"Please, whatever the punishment is, just tell me now, could it kill me?" Hal looks at me with panicked and pleading eyes.

"Possibly." I say and that made him throw his head to the table. Letting out moans and groans of protest at the possibility of dying.

In truth, my punishment wouldn't kill him. But I rather enjoyed the scene of him being stressed about it.

"Excuse me?" Chills shot up my spine and my wolf leaped up at the growing pain in my chest. Both of us look up from each other and see the King, Nikolai, standing just beside me.

"Wha-Wha-What," Hal struggles with his words but it felt like shouting now that the entire cafe had gone silent.

Everyone watching as the illustrious, revered, and almost illusive face of King Nikolai was being presented to us. Dressed brilliantly in a three piece light grey suit, I figured that there wouldn't be sweatpants in this man's closet.

"Can we help you?" I ask cautiously. My voice coming out clear as I take in the situation. I'm not gonna let this man see me shake.

Especially not after that night in the woods, and a few days ago in the library. I called this man a pussy, to his face! The least I can do is save my own pride and take what's coming head on.

"I'd like to speak with you in the courtyard." He says and extends his hand to me.

"Uh," I turn to Hal. "Save me a seat in Leslie's."

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