Chapter 44- Weird Ass Traditions

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"That girl is horrible!" My mother shouts at the top of her lungs. "Do you know what she said to your father?"

"Yes." I reply flatly. Of course I did. I had a front row seat to the conversation. She just didn't know it.

"And you're not going to set her straight?" My father seethed.

"Why? You started it." I say as I sign off on some documents.

"She disrespected us!" My mother shouts. "She is rude, incorrigible! Do you not see the problem here?"

"What I saw was you two trying to pick a fight with her, and you know what? You got it. And she didn't even need to raise a finger to end you." I say as I give a full toothy smile. My beast was proud of her. Of her grit, of her toughness.

"Are you supporting this behavior? I swear to god Nikolai if you mark that girl-"

"It's already done." I say cutting my father off.

Both of them freeze.


"I marked her last night. A true mark. Her wolf embraced it almost seamlessly." I reply absentmindedly as I pick up another file off my desk. Sifting through the papers as I can feel the anger of my parents filling the room.

"Whether or not she is marked, she still disrespected the king this morning." My mother growls.

My brows knit together.

"I hadn't seen her all morning. I didn't hear anything."

"I mean your father."

"Well I don't remember either you or father having reign over the people at all in the last four centuries. Why is that?" I ask. Both my parents don't answer, but it doesn't matter. "Because I'm the only king there is."

I slap the file closed.

"And as far as I'm concerned she is Queen now. That means she is above you. She is in full right to speak to you in anyway she pleases."

"We are still your parents and we deserve respect!" Mother seethes at me.

"Maybe from me, but you've done nothing to earn hers. You were slick with her this morning, and you got what you deserved considering how unfair you've been to her since she's arrived."

"Because she-"

"She's what? A werewolf? Or an omega? Is it because she isn't Josephine?"

They were both silent.

"If you wanted Josephine as a daughter, you should have been able to conceive another son. I don't care what you think of Solus. She's my mate, not yours. If that's a problem then you can fuck right off." I say.

She's already starting to have an effect on me. I don't talk like that. It sounds like something she would say.

There's a moment of silence. Then I hear my father burst out laughing. I look up at him confused. His deep laughter making my mother smile at me.

"And here I thought we had something to be worried about." My mother takes a seat on the couch.

"Am I missing something?" I ask.

"No. But it's about time all of this happened." My father says. "Did you think we'd make it easy for you two?"

"Excuse me?" I cock an eyebrow at him.

"Niki it's a common test that parents test the couple, even for werewolves." My mother says. "We were hard with her to see if she would break. Or if you would let her go. But she didn't break and you held on."

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