Chapter 18- Missed Call

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I got the call that my food was here. Slipping on my shoes and heading down. On my way back I saw winter at her door. She took notice of me and gave a smile.

"Hi Solus, I was just throwing out the trash. I heard a lot of noise today."

"That was just some shopping that I did. Setting up the place and everything."

"Wow, your friends are very kind." She says with a smile.

"Not friends, just movers." I say as I passed her to my door. Unlocking my door and heading inside. Making my place on the living room floor. Spreading my food out over the coffee table and inhaling the greasy smell.

Switching to Netflix I put on The Witcher.

I dig my phone out of my pocket and turn it on. My phone lit up with missed calls from Hal and text messages. Even a few dozen calls from numbers I didn't know.

Tapping Hal's name I put the phone on speaker and say it down on the table. My kitten coming in and sitting by my thigh. Cuddling into my leg and sit with his nose raised, his pure white eyes open and staring at nothing.

I grab the unfinished bottle of wine and take a sip.

Hal answers just as I'm about to stuff my mouth full of noodles.

"What the fuck bitch! Do you know what kind of storm you made happen?" Hal shouts into the phone.

"Watch your tone bitch, I was busy. Why the fuck are you blowing up my phone?"

"The royals were looking for you and tracked me down and tried to get me to call you this morning. Then you turned your fucking phone off and the king was about to tear my head off."

I pause, and stir the hot noodles with the chopsticks. Finally, I let out a bored sigh.

"That's it?"

"What the fuck do you mean, that it? Solus I could have died today!" He shouts and I can hear the real anger in his tone.

"And you didn't. Look at that. What else happ-" I pause as I see a number interrupting the call. "Hal I'll see you later."

I switch calls and put the unknown number on speaker.

"Who is this?"

"Solus?" A deep voice coming from the other end. I freeze. Swallowing down as my wolf awakens from her drugged sleep.

"Hal gave you my number." I was more of a statement than a question.

"Do you understand that we've been looking for you all day. This morning Natasha tells me that she saw you beat up bloody, and drunk in the street yesterday. And that you were driving while drunk!" His voice coming to an angry yell that actually makes me jump. My wolf whines in shame bearing her neck, my jaw twitching with unspoken rage.

There's no fucking way I'm gonna let this man talk me down like that. Do I deserve it? Probably. But we didn't know each other well enough for him to be this concerned.

"And I'm still alive, how fabulous is that?" I say sarcastically.

"What were you doing in the city?"

"Please do me the courtesy of explaining how that is any of your fucking business, Your majesty."

"I told you to not talk like that." His voice coming in a low growl.

"You don't tell me what to do." I say keeping my voice even and with a cool attitude.

"Christine told me the other day you were moving, where are you?"

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