Chapter 26- Stray Stay

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We pull up outside Seffy's home, a loft Smack in the middle of the worst neighborhood possible. Baby meowed in protest at me removing him from my pocket.

Handing him to Winter as I unbuckle my seat belt.

"We're here. I'm only going to ask that you do not get out the car." I say. Winter laughs and shakes her head.

"Sol it's okay, It's better to just let me come with you." She says and just as she opens her door, I quickly reach over her and slam it shut.

She looks at me with a confused expression.

"Don't get out the car." I tell her with finality in my voice.  She says nothing as I exit, leaving her in the car as I enter the building.

The neighborhood was absolutely menacing. The worst shit happened here and it was always a gamble trying to come and leave in peace.

Walking into the building, it's brick walls littered with graffiti, some windows broken, others covered with garbage bags. Climbing up the stairs, and coming to each flight was like walking through a horror house.

Creamy floors, gross stench, the ghouls hiding in the corner, desperately sucking in all the meth and K2 they could.

I got to Seffy's door and knocked, my opposite hand coming up to cover the peep hole. Seconds later the door opens and Seffy's surprised face makes me smile.

"Surprise bitch." I say and push my way into his apartment, noticing how much it contrasts everything outside that door.

Well kept, decent furniture, and it doesn't smell like a mausoleum.

"I wished you'd let me know before you drop by Solus." Seffy and my eyes fix on his and I give him a smile.

"Where's my money, Seffy?" I ask sweetly.

"Don't worry your pretty little self, I have your bag right here." He says and head over to his couch reaching behind it and pulling out a black garbage bag.

"Is that all of it?"

"Honey, I would never steal from you." He says as he walks over and extends his arm out. I take the bag from him.

"I would hope not. Especially since I know where you live, and you've seen the damage I can do." I hoist the bag over my shoulder.

"No hostility, Solus. We are friends here." Seffy says raising his hands in surrender.

"Seffy I've known you long enough to know you don't like your friends more than you like your money." I say and turn towards the door. "I'll be back if the numbers don't make me happy."

"Will I see you soon at Grits?"

"Maybe, if these numbers make me happy." I pull open the door and walk out.

My pace quick as I bound down the stairs and back out to my car. I'm too quick to notice a band of gangsters surrounding my car.

I let loose a loud growl that makes the majority of them back away from the car. They turn to me and I could tell some of them recognized me as they turn and ran off without so much as another word.

I could see Winter's shaking and terrified form in the passenger seat. Sighing as I walk around the car to my side. Opening the door and throwing the bag in the back seat, I start the car.

"I didn't think you were serious." Winter whispers as she is clutching Baby to her chest in a death grip.

"Don't speak just to waste oxygen, Winter." Pulling the car into the street we decide on some food. Winter typing the address into my phone, the GPS leading us all the way to the other side of the city.

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