Chapter 8- Hangovers and Hang Up's

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"Nice to meet you, your majesty." I say as I nod to him. Keeping a calm expression against the war storm that was happening in my head.

His eyes assessed mine and I suddenly felt over exposed. His eyes stayed on mine as Christine and Natasha got into a conversation about something from two hundred years ago.

I pulled away first and turned my attention willingly to Christine. Listening patiently as she talked but I could only feel the cold stare of the king on my body. Looking again to him I saw his eyes locked onto mine once again.

Doesn't this bitch blink!

Even though his eyes were locked with mine, I felt as if he was looking at all other parts of me. My body on the verge of breaking into a seizure. The building pain in my chest turning violent and I grunt as my chest caved in slightly.

I downed the rest of my glass in one go and stood.

"Where are you going?" Natasha asks.

"To eat something." I say flatly as I turn and head back inside.

The ache in my chest was screaming at me. I felt my heart being ripped out of me. My mind flashing back to the middle of junior year. Amber's lips moving in words I wished I could forget.

"I'm sorry Sol, no. I'm rejecting you."

Fuck! I moved quickly and exited the ballroom. Mind linking Hal all I got back was incoherent thoughts and static.

He's busy. Which means I can go home.

I hit a hard left and pass by the bar that was left unattended. I reach over the bar and grab a full bottle of red labeled scotch that was calling to me. My feet moving quickly to the front entrance.

The coat checkers eyes meet mine.

"I just have a red umbrella." I say giving a smile. He nods and reaches in pulling out my umbrella. Thanking him I walk outside to find it empty. Everyone clamoring in to get inside without an invitation was gone.

The sudden crack of thunder was like music to me. And the slow trickling of rain began before there came a storm. The rain beating down and igniting in a chorus of chaotic beauty.

Nature never looks more beautiful then in moments like these.

Opening my umbrella and ducking into the rain, I start walking. I didn't feel sorry for the party I left the behind or my company. I felt the cold that was locked into my spine disappear.

Letting my hips swing and my shoulders loosen up. My neck rotating to the side in relief. My chest puffing out and inhaling the cold fresh rain air.

Walking and admiring my prize for my evening of suffering. Taking a longer look at the bottle and nearly choking.

I just stole a six-hundred dollar bottle of scotch.

But is it stolen if they don't know it's missing?

I quicken my pace having no mind in going back in that place again.


The next morning was difficult. Waking up with a pounding headache and an empty bottle of scotch in my hands, noticing I'm still in my formal attire and sigh.

I don't need an education that bad.

Stripping out of my clothes and throwing everything into a pile in the corner, I stand in all my naked glory.

Stretching out my body as I groan in pain. My spine more particularly locked up. The house was entirely empty and I figured it was a good enough day to clean the rest of my life up.

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