Chapter 9- Like a Slut

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The next day, I'm slow moving. The night before was not kind and I couldn't sleep. Wondering what I was gonna tell Hal, but I thought it was best to keep it to myself.

My hair was still a mess. I threw on a white bandana and tied it securely to hold my hair back. I grabbed my white tank top again and shrugged it on. Taking a pair of ripped baggy black jeans, and my mud covered combat boots.

Shrugging in my trench coat and book bag, the cool air hit the exposed part of my legs. It didn't bother me however as much as it did last night.

Heading around to my car and ducking my head under the window I made my way to my car. There seemed to be no sign of rain, as the highway seemed to be drying up.

Pulling into the school and making a beeline for the student cafe, the minute I get my coffee I'm swept up by a pair of arms.

"Hold on let me drink my life source first!" I shout as I'm spun around. Once I'm set down, I turn facing Hal. I'm left to no explanation as he grabs the back of my neck and kisses me hard.

I'm holding on to the lapel of his worn out leather jacket as he pins me to him. Our lips molding together and my head not fully comprehending what's happening. I pull away and clear my throat.

Blinking a few times before I decide to take a sip of my coffee. Taking a long sip that burns my tongue and groaning at the heat.

It never feels ok when Hal kisses me.

He rivals my train of thought and pulls me in again grabbing the back of my neck. Leaning down to kiss my neck he gives a small lick to my throat.

"We are in the middle of the cafe." I say trying to pull away.

"So is Amber." He whispers and my eyes dart quickly to a red faced Amber sitting with her friends. Most of her friends looking our way as well.

Grabbing Hal's chin and forcing his mouth back up to mine, I kiss him this time.

A slow and sweet kiss that holds for a moment. I pull away and give him a sincere smile.

"Are we done with the pornography?" I ask feigning the sweetness in my voice.

"We could really make a movie," he says and I roll my eyes heading to our usual two seater by the window. "In the boys locker room in the shower. You know pornhub pays amazingly well for just one video."

"I'm not selling my body, Hal. Now drop it." I say and plop down in my seat.

"Why weren't you in class this morning?" He asks. "I was bored and worried. But mostly bored."

"Of course." I nod as I take a sip of my coffee. "But I just had a slow start, and I wasn't gonna be pulling another ninety on the highway."

"Well I have some amazing news."


"For the next four days, all the way up to the football game, it's going to be sunshine and blue skies." He says with a bright smile. His eyes gleaming with sinister intentions.

"Oh no, what do you want?"

"I want you to dress like a slut." He says and someone from the next table sputters into their coffee.

"I don't know, I was feeling like dressing like a nun tomorrow."

"Please Sol. I need to see you in something short and revealing, and slutty." He groans.

"And what will I get if I do this?" I ask leaning back in my seat.

"Anything you want."

"Careful Hal." I say with a snicker. "That's a dangerous thing to tell someone like me."

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