Chapter 43- Speak when Spoken to

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We walk side by side out into the court yard. Nikolai's parents were already there. Talking in low voices as they spread jam over their biscuits and drank tea.

The morning, bright with a crisp cool breeze in the air. The sun was shining, but the grey clouds in the distance gave the promise of a long evening of rain.

Natasha sat quietly beside her mother. Not touching her food, an expressionless look on her face. But she was the first to notice, with a gasp her parents turned to look my way.

They went silent as they saw me approach the gazebo.

I said nothing as I pulled out a chair and made myself comfortable. Propping one leg up on the chair as I leaned back in my seat. I could feel the eyes of other lycans around me. Butlers and maids watching quietly as they floated around the courtyard in silence.

I give a lazy look to the butler standing behind the king.

"Black coffee, no sugar. Please and thank you." I said with a half smile. He bowed to me and walked off.

"And here I thought you didn't have any manners." King Father said with an upturn of his lip.

"You will shut the fuck up until I'm ready to talk to you." I say and that earns a gasp from a now horrified looking Natasha. I do not care anymore. I'm locked into this life eternally and I'm not about to fake smile and say cheese for these bastards.

"Excuse m-" Queen mother leans in baring her fangs but I shot up baring my own with a growl. She leans back shocked. More shocked that I was willing to meet her challenge rather than anything else.

The butler comes back and hands me my coffee. I thank him and take a sip. Christine and Natasha silent as I exhale into my mug.

"You little mutt, how dare you just waltz-" King Fathers eyes glowing at me.

"Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up?" I cut him off. Glaring at him over my mug.

"You clearly have no regard for your life."

"What part of anything you saw last night gave you the indication that I ever did?" I reply sardonically. I take another sip of my coffee and sigh in contentment. This coffee actually slaps.

"Are you seriously injured?" Natasha's voice is low but I can hear her clearly. "You're covered in..." her eyes travel over my face.

"It looks worse than it feels." I say. "But I'm up for another round if anyone's interested." I say looking pointedly towards the couple sitting across from me.

"You think we are incapable of war?" The father cocks his eyebrow at me.

"I think you're incapable of even holding the sword." I say with a grin.

"We don't needs swords." He bares his fangs at me.

"That explains your relationship." I lean back in my seat nonchalantly. Natasha looks lost in thought but I hear a stifled laugh come from the butler. A hand over her mouth but I can see the tremble in her shoulders as she tries to hold in her laugh.

King Father is at a loss for words and I smirk victoriously. I stand from my seat and take my mug raising it to the butler.

"I'm glad someone here has a sense of humor. Thank you for the coffee." I say and turn leaving them all there.

"I-You-Get back here!" The booming voice of the king only makes me lift a finger. Not a very nice finger. Christine follows behind and catches up with me.

"I'm sure what ever I say would be useless."

"You would be correct." I say.

"But that was hilarious." She laughs.

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