Chapter 28- Learning the Steps

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Sunlight flooded the room making my eyes spring open in alarm. Curled at the head of the bed, I sit up blinking away the fog in my eyes. Finding myself surrounded by people, I could feel the scream of anger bubbling in my chest.

"Hold on! Hold on." Natasha's face comes into view and I hold back. "Today's your fitting!"

"I have class in three hours I don't have time to be sitting through a fitting."

"Enough of the whispering and stand up." A loud posh voice cuts through the sleepiness and I growl lowly. "Acting like a dog won't make this go any faster."

I hiss in pain as a strong hand grabs my forearm and yanks me out of bed. The hand belonging to a tall blonde woman. Her hair was a bright yellow, and she wore a cream colored dress suit. Fitting her slim form easily as she walked confidently in some deadly looking pumps.

"On the stand." She says shoving me onto a wooden podium that only rose a foot off the ground. "You must be the wolf I keep hearing about."

"Solus this is Josephine, she's the royal stylist. She does almost everything the royal family wears." Natasha says giving a gentle squeeze to my hand. "She's really gifted, I promise you."

"As talented as I am I'm not sure I could save this one." Josephine runs a pointer over the edge of the podium before aiming it at my thighs. "Too much cellulite, she needs to slim down. The hips are too wide."

"What the fuck?"

I instantly feel a sharp sting on the side of my face and it takes me too long to realize...this bitch his snapped her pointer on my cheek.

"Language. A princess doesn't have such a filthy mouth." She eyes me up and down before sneering at me. "Not even a princess. I don't work well with vermin."

I look to Natasha with an impassive expression. She better be seeing this, but I'm convinced otherwise as she gives me an innocent smile back.

"Her behind is too large, and we'll need a corset. Her breasts are tolerable. She might have had better luck in the kings harem if we're being honest."

Excuse me? A harem!

I was silent as she continued on. Circling around me as her pointer grazed over my flesh. 

"Gross posture, many scars. We'll need cosmetics in here soon." She says to her assistant that stands close by her side. The top of the pointer pushes open my hands and she clicks her tongue. "Low ranking wolf by the callouses. Put gloves in the notes."

My wolf growling in anger at the back of my mind. But everything on the outside was in a deadly silent rage, and I was on the brink of causing a scene.

"Her hair is a greasy mess, and we don't have many options due to the length. Her arms are decent enough, probably due to the labor." She snickers. Circling around me until I can clearly see her face.

She had a pixie like face. She looked like the most innocent thing until she opened her mouth. Her lycan eyes shielded behind gold framed half moon lenses. Dainty features and soft pale skin. She was actual perfection.

"You're going to need a lot of work if we're going to make you presentable to the public." She says and instantly her perfection faded. "You're nothing, but we could make you into something half decent with enough elbow grease."

"Josephine that's a little harsh. She's Nikolai's mate, she's not nothing." Natasha speaks up almost biting the words through her teeth. I could tell that something about Josephine annoyed her too. Who was this bitch?

"I still think Nyx is playing a ridiculous joke."

My wolf was screaming at me to let her out, to just let her land one punch. But I knew where I was, I knew who I was with, and I knew I would die if I tried.

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