Chapter 7- Abusive Cold

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Christine pulled us away from the corner not caring from my protests. The biting cold chill that made its home in my spine was making me stiff with anxiety.

"What exactly is your costume?" Hal asks. I down my drink and snatch another cup from a passing waiter, setting the empty one down on his tray.

"I'm supposed to be dressed as Mother Nature." Christine says as she twirls in her dress. I could see it.

Her dress was a gold-green color that was decorated proudly with flowers, and gemstones. Her hair was pulled away from her face in large high bun. Flowers and twigs poked out of her hair, I'm sure intended to make her look wild. But it only worked in making her prettier.

"And you are dressed as the phantom of the opera." She says. Hal gives a wave of his cape with an exaggerated bow.

Christine chuckles and looks to me.

"And what about you, what are you supposed to be?"

I caught my reflection in a nearby mirror and shrugged my shoulders. Remembering what I had said about being a corpse.

"I'm Death." I reply plainly.

"Why choose something so morbid?"

"Because it's the only thing that was safe, minimalistic, and not too complicated." I say as I take a sip of my drink.

"You are refreshing." Christine reaches up and touches my hair moving it to the side. "Your hair is so beautiful, how did you get it this way?"

"Rain water." I say pushing her hand away with my index finger.

She gives a bright laugh, her hand still holding her mask in place. She surveys the room and gasps.

"Oh there goes my love and Victor." She says and raises her hand waving to two men approaching.

"Victor?" Hal mouths and I hold my finger to my lips, signaling him to not be dumb.

"Honey, this is Solus, the wolf I was telling you about." She pushes her man who moves the face of a tiger out of his own. Letting the head fall back, and I notice the long train of fur that followed him.

I remembered him from the other day and nodded to him.

"I'm the wolf." I say.

"I'm Holland, nice to meet you Solus." He nods back and gives a polite smile.

"We handed her off safely." My eyes catching Victors for only a moment. "We'll let you enjoy the rest of your evening."

I gave a harsh tug to his cape dragging him away from the scene.

"What the hell! Solus wait a minute." Hal hissed as I dragged him behind me.

"Look Hal, if you want to spend the night here just tell me now."


"Because I'm not going to be tiptoeing around this bitch, talking to people I don't know while you find some girl to get pregnant."

"While I appreciate the transparency, you just walked away from both crowned Beta's and the royal Theta."

"And I'm supposed to give a fuck, why?" Hal let out a deep exhale and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Firefly, what is making you nervous? Why are you so annoyed?"

"Because that same feeling that I've been having all week, I'm having it now. I don't want to be here just because you wanna let your dick swing." I hiss.

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