Chapter 23- Knee's Buckle

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"This is not my house." I mutter as I'm pulled out of the back seat of my own car.

"No it's mine." Nikolai says as he holds me steady on my feet. Everyone else including Winter exits the car but Nikolai stops her.

"Don't worry yourself, I'll have her taken care of." Nikolai says and before I could say goodbye he's pulling me into the house. The house had a much more home type of feel than I expected.

It was large, yes but still felt lived in. Does that make sense?

"This is your house?" I ask.


"This is not what I expected." I say my knees buckling as I try to hold myself up. I don't see much of the house as he hauls me up a set of stairs. "You know when you look at someone and, it's like they hobbies are nothing like you thought."

"Solus that doesn't make any sense." He grumbles as I'm pulled into a room. "Take off your clothes, you need to get that blood off of you."

"Can't I just fall asleep?" Feeling how heavy my body is, a sway to my stance as I can barely keep my eyes open.


My body collapses to the floor and my vision goes black.


I was trapped inside my own head as my body refused to move. I could feel something wrapped around me, something heavy and hot. I groaned as I felt the headache slam into me at full force.

Turning over on my side as I hid my face into the soft mattress I was laying on. Curling into a fetal position as I held my head.

"How wonderful you could live to see the next day." A voice appeared right beside my ear and I sit bolt upright as my vision tries to clear away the splotches of light.

"Where am I?" I groan.

"My home. You fainted just a few feet away, I'm surprised you didn't drop sooner." I look to the left of me and see a half naked Nikolai sitting on the bed.

Memories of the night before come rushing back and slowly I start to piece everything together.

"Why do you go there? What is that place for you?" Nikolai stands from the bed, wearing nothing but white trousers as he walks around. "You looked absolutely primitive, the bloodbath,"

"And?" I cut him off. He glares at me. "That place is therapy, it's a party all the time and I leave feeling better every time. Don't shit on my hobbies."

"That's not a hobbie, that place is bordering on near mass homicide."

"And I'm a wolf, it shouldn't be that much of a shock." I throw the covered off me and see I'm in a change of clothes. "Did you change me?" I ask plucking at the collar of the shirt.

"I wasn't going to let anyone else see you naked Sol." He says as he eyes me down. "Although it's not easy bathing an unconscious person."

I sigh.

"That's never happening again." I say as I pick at the soft pink satin pajama set. This is nothing like me at all.

"Exactly, you're never going back there again." He says. "I also don't trust that Seffy friend of yours."

"And here we go." I mutter as I push off the bed like a student ready to be scolded by their teacher.

"That place is outright chaos, only bad people go in and out of that place and you were barely able to walk yourself to the car. And for what? A few extra grand in your account."

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