Chapter 75- A Sweet Moment

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Looking down at Solus, I see nothing but indifference on her face. Her eyes focused on the crowd below us, as we stand at the top of the stairs.

Pushing on the bond between us, she allows me into her head.

She's nervous. They're staring too much.

Suddenly I feel her hand on mine, gripping tightly. Her fingernails digging into me, I squeeze back urging her to look at me.

"Sol?" I speak softly to her. Low enough to not let anyone else hear. "They won't hurt you. I won't let them."

"I'm more concerned about falling down the stairs in these heels." She says her voice hinting to humor but none was felt. "I gotta ask, do you think that I look good like this?"

"You look beautiful no matter what you wear or how you present yourself." I say almost laughing. She looks beautiful all the time. Everyday. Every moment.

I see for the first time, her face heat up. A deep blush spreading across her cheeks, blinking rapidly as she looks away. That was adorable.

"That's not what I mean stupid." She grumbles which only makes me smile. I reposition her hand, having her arm wrap around mine and we descend into the crowd.

Easily making it down the stairs and through the crowd, walking through the crowd as we move closer towards the two thrones waiting on the podium. I let out a low growl as I noticed the room hasn't shown proper respect.

In one fluid motion the whole crowd bows their heads as we pass. Sol's hand tightening around my arm. Looking down at her seeing how calm she looked, I could hear the storm happening in her head.

What is it?

She quickly glances up at me before looking straight again, almost to the stage.

If people are going to call me their Queen, I wanna at least earn it.

Sol's voice echoing in my mind as I grab her hand and we climb the stage. I bring the back of her hand to my lips, our eyes locking.

"You have."


Later in the night people have fallen into comfortable rhythm. Dancing to the music and chatting amongst themselves as some shoot glances to Solus. Whispering as their eyes tear into her.

Peaking into her mind, I'm surprised to find her almost completely unbothered. Looking her way I saw her eyes gazing out the window to the back garden.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's going to rain." She says and I watch as a small smile moves on to her face. "I like when it rains."

"Me too." I hum.

"Nik, do I look like myself?" She asks turning her gaze to me, the gold in her eyes gone. They were now their original dark brown color.

They were stunning.

"You're eyes,"

"Yeah." She laughs. "I know. But answer, do I look like me?"

"I think, in this moment, right this very second, you are as much you as you have ever been. Whether you eyes be brown or gold, if you wore this dress or a sweat suit, I only see you." I reach across taking her hand in mine.

"Do you think they will see me? With how much they're staring I'd imagine they would." She says making me laugh.

"Then let's give them something to watch." I say cocking an eyebrow at her.

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