Chapter 54- A Night Out

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I stood in front of the closed liquor store. The metal gate blocking the only way to my reprieve. Victor next to me as he patted my shoulder trying his best to comfort me.

My blank stare drilling into the metal gate as I stood silently. My mind moving a mile a minute, trying to find any other substitutes.

"I know what you're thinking," Victor says. "And I'm not gonna let you do it."

"It took four guards to get me down last time." I say in warning.

"But I'm much better equipped on how to deal with your outburst now. But I'm sure you'd rather not cause a scene in front of all these lovely people." He says in my ear and I barely notice the passing stares of people that take notice of Victor's Lycan presence, and then me.

"Come on." He says and pulls my arm. "Besides you're supposed to be hanging out with us tonight."


Oh right, my deal with Nikolai.


Pulling up to the palace I trudge out of my car, Victor hopping out of the passenger side.

Christine and Natasha bouncing down the steps. Christine looking out together as ever, but it wasn't hard to notice Natasha's puffy eyes. Nikolai and Holland came outside as well staying on the steps as the girls made their way towards us.

Both Christine and Natasha locking me in a hug.

"Oh well, fuck me I guess." Victor says sarcastically. Christine reaches over punching his arm playfully, but Natasha stays locked onto me longer than necessary.

"Nat. You gotta let go eventually." I say as I gently take her arms, peeling them off me.

"I'm sorry." She says and steps back throwing a look to Nikolai before turning back to me with a smile. The smile looked fake as all hell and I knew she was hiding something. "It's just been a while since I've seen you."

"Not really." I say with a shake of my head and move passed her to the entrance of the palace.

"Holland you look as intimidating as ever." I say with a nod.

"Never more than you, mistress of all things chaotic and demonic." Holland says with a smirk.

"Can that be my official government title?"

He laughs as we all move inside. Nikolai leading the group to the courtyard. Maids and butlers passing by stopped to bow their heads to their king. Making our way out to the courtyard, we take a seat at the gazebo.

"So what do you want to do?" I sigh as I lean back in my seat shoving my hands in my sweatshirt pocket.

"I've never been in a casually social situation before." Christine says as she takes a seat next to me. Then Holland next to her. Natasha sat between me and Nikolai and Victor sat between Nikolai and Holland.

"I doubt that completely." I say as I pull out a small plastic bag.

Only six joints left.

Why must today be the day? Out of all days!

"I've never actually hung out with anyone." Christine laughs as she throws up air quotes.

"You've never sat down in a private secluded area and talked shit with anyone that you called a friend?" I cock an eyebrow. "Oh wait, you lycans do that on a regular basis."

"Oh ha ha, very funny." Victor says. "Lycans are private for a reason."

"What's the reason?" I ask as I skip the joint into my mouth and search my pockets for a lighter.

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