Chapter 13- Call Me Nikolai

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Scrolling through craigslist as it was twilight, the sun disappearing and a calm mist settled over the backyard. I found an ad for a small one bedroom loft.

The price was within my range and I sent a message to the owner. I got a response in fifteen minutes, telling me I could come see the place tomorrow if I was really interested.

Forty-five minutes later I was already organizing what I would take and what I would burn.

As soon as it hit nine I felt a chill creep up my spine. Throwing on some grey sweatpants over my shorts and a black t-shirt, I grabbed my jacket throwing it over my shoulders I headed out.

I could feel the stare of my father as I got closer to the tree line. It didn't effect me as much as it would have any of my other siblings. His glare felt like a knife was being thrown my way, but missed.

Walking into the woods and starting on the path and sniffing out for the Lycan, his scent resembling ice and platinum.

But he smells good, really good.

After about five minutes, my eyes glued to the ground as music played from my phone that was hanging out of my pocket. Too deep in thought to notice Nikolai who was only a few feet in front of me.

"You must have had a very trying day." His voice snapping me out my reverie, I look up to him.

He's dressed more casually which shocked me. Black jeans, a black shirt like mine, and a white trench coat that was left open.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as he holds out his arm for me to take. Moving passed him as I give him a side eye.

"Did you know what you were doing when you pulled me into that courtyard?"

"It was a simple conversation that I didn't think would garner so much attention." He says but something in his voice told me it was a lie. "I hope you didn't get into any trouble because of that."

"I had to climb out a window to get to my car." My expression and voice deadpan.

"That couldn't have a first for you." His eyebrow quirking up with a full smirk on his face. Is he laughing at me?

I continue walking choosing not to respond. He however couldn't tolerate the silence.

"Natasha told me you are a senior at Neoma." He says. "You won't be in college for too long, is that exciting?"

"Not exiting really. I'm more eager to leave now but that's about it."

"Do you have a career in mind, a plan?"

"Build my resume a little bit, move to the city, get a decent paying job so I can run off to Prague whenever I want."

"Why Prague?" He asks.

"It's far away from here, and has nice architecture." I say and we come up to another path

"And will your boyfriend follow you?" The way he spits boyfriend has my wolf stirring in confusion.

"Hal is a lot of things, but he's not my boyfriend." I stare at the two paths. "Are you looking to walk or talk?"

"Excuse me?"

"You said you wanted me to show you a way where you can shift and run without problem." I say and gesture to the two paths.

"Right." He blinks at me and clears his throat. "That's right I did say that."

I say nothing and lead him down the left path. The left pathway wasn't walked as much, people in this town often run out into the fields for some exercise.

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