Chapter 77- Anything for You

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The days came and went.

Two weeks went by and I was slowly trying to piece my mind back together. Standing on the cliff side in Mykonos. The sun setting just over the water, and Amber's urn in my hands.

I remember this place.

The blue top houses descending down towards the water. The sunset changing into an array of reds and purples. The clouds reaching high into the heavens as the light bounces around between them.

I could smell the sea salt in the air, the fresh breeze that blew through my hair.

Last time I was here, I was sober. Seffy was working out a deal with a couple of his clients and I had wandered off, strolling around the island until I came across this place.

Somehow completely cut off from the usual party goers that would come here. Secluded in such a way that the only way anyone would find this place, is if one knew how to get here.

One wouldn't find it by accident, and if they did they were very lucky. It's too beautiful to share. But here I am.

I told myself that I have to forgive. I have to forgive her.

The sun sinking into the horizon, drowning itself the darkening water and the sky changes into a deep red, the clouds almost bleeding into the sky.

If heartbreak could look like anything, this would be it.

I let my hand rest of the lid of the urn. The budding crescent moon hanging in the sky, hiding itself amongst the clouds. I take the lid off and turning the urn over, her ashes fall into the sea.

The water splashing against the smooth stone cliff side, mixing her ashes into the water and carrying her out to sea.

I drop the urn along with it, there's no reason for me to keep that. Watching the reddish-brown ceramic piece sink into the water never to be seen again.

One year later.....

The piano sang as my fingers moved swiftly over the keys. A band up on the stage with me, following along fluently. A guitarist, drummer, bass, and saxophone.

The bar was packed and Brian was serving up a storm, along with Christine, who actually had a knack for managing the place.

Holland stood with Victor near the front of the place, acting as security without the pay. They didn't need to be here, but they came every night anyways. Baby, Morty, and Bubba keeping them company. Bubba padding over to the stage and hopping up, planting himself next to me.

The dance floor was packed with swinging partners as the crowd cheered the band on.

The song came to an end and the crowd turned to the stage giving everyone a round of applause. We all got up and bowed before I jumped down joining Christine at the bar.

"Natasha is flying in from Peru!" Christine shouts over the noise. "She's inviting us for lunch tomorrow to celebrate your one year chip!"

"It's just a year!" I shout back. "Trust me a year sober is nothing compared to many drunk."

"Don't be a downer!" She says. "You haven't touched one sliver of alcohol since then! We should celebrate that!"

She grabs my arm pulling me to the back room that looked very much like my old apartment. Same purple LED lights, newer game consoles set up at the side of the room. The same furnishings and paintings I had hanging on the walls.

"Why are you not happy?" She asked just as the door closed blocking the noise from the bar as the band set up to play another song.

"Christine, I'm fine." I say dragging my feet over to the couch sitting down with a sigh. "I'm okay."

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