Chapter 52- Drowning in Jack

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Solus was downing her third bottle of whiskey that she had me fetch for her, as I almost refused to let her walk. Her short hair hanging in front of her face, the sweat making the tendrils stock to her forehead and neck.

Sweet caramel skin covered in sweat as it started soaking in clothes. The heat from the whiskey was getting to her, and I only wanted her to stop.

I could smell the poison taking hold in her body, she was getting sick and didn't even know it. I was carefully formulating a plan for that, to get Solus to stop without hurting her pride or making her feel unheard.

But that's a difficult task, and Solus is a difficult person. She had started playing some adventure video game, and made a call for food earlier which we were patiently waiting for.


"Hmm." It was barely a response.

"Do you like drinking?"

"I like what drinking does to me." She answers truthfully.

"Do you like smoking?" I asked slowly baiting her. If I could get her to stop drinking for more than two weeks, that would mean some progress for her health.

The way I tried to do it before only pushed her away from me.

"I love what smoking does to me." She answers again.

Very blunt and broad answers, but alright.

"So if you could drink or smoke only for the rest of two weeks, which one would you choose?"

"Smoking." She said as the sound of gun shots came from the TV, pressing buttons on the controller with a determined but sleepy look on her face. "Drinking take a lot more effort, and I don't like using the bathroom so much."

"So do that." I say.

"Do what?" She asks.

"Only smoke for the rest of two weeks." I repeat to her. She gives me a sarcastic laugh, shaking her head as she leaned back in her seat. Her bad leg stretched out in front of her, the wound wasn't healing as fast as it should be.

"I can't." I says.

"Why not?"

A brief moment of silence falls between us as VICTORY flashes across her screen in all neon green letters. She looks to me and shrugs her shoulders.

"I just...can't."

"I think you can."

Use encouragement, don't talk down to her.

"I don't think you have to drink everyday."

"But I have to." She argues. "I do it all the time, I mean I have to."

"But you said you like smoking more than you like drinking. You said you love smoking more. So do the one that feels better." I say as nonchalantly as possible. If I argue back with her it'll turn into an actual argument and that would be entirely counter productive.

"Why?" She asks tilting her head to the side as she looks at me.

"Because you don't need it." I shake my head.

"But I do."

"But you don't." I say again.

"But I do!"

"You don't." I say calmly moving to her side. Removing the controller out of her hand. Taking both her hands in mine, my beast feels much more at peace now that we're holding her. The gentle waves of our touch reverberate between us and I see Sol's face soften.

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