Chapter 35- Second Chances for Second Chances

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Another few days go by.

I'm on the piano once again. People in the bar have moved the tables to the side to make a dance space.

I'm fingers dancing across the piano keys quickly as I played an upbeat jazz song. Bobbing my head as I played happily. Singing as I played, I watched as people swung each other about, dancing freely.

Their feet moving in sync with their partners. The bar was alive with people as the light were dim but the people were bright.

The bartenders were hard at work. Brian working with a smile on his face, he seemed to be happy with how many people were in the bar.

I think I could be content here. Gaining citizenship shouldn't be too hard and I do like it here. Maybe I could buy a house, decorate it myself. I smiled at the possibilities as I sung a high note and the song ended. The bar erupting into applause as I took another swing of my scotch.

The bottle was nearly empty now. I downed the rest of it and waved it in the air. Brian winked at me as he sent another bar tender over with another bottle.

"Thank you good friend!" I shouted over the cheering. He nodded to me with a smile as I unscrewed the cap. Taking a large swig as the liquid settled in my stomach.

The tips of my fingers making a mess of the keys until they settled on a melody that I remembered. I continued to play and the people danced. The bar reeked heavy with perfume and citrus from the bar.

With every ending of a song I took a drink and I could feel the freedom building within me to keep playing. This wasn't like Grits at all. This wasn't putting myself on self destruct, this was just me laying out all songs I had kept within me for the past seven years.

By the end of the night, half the bar had emptied and I had slowed down to slow loving songs. Couples holding onto each other as they swayed softly like trees in the wind.

I had begun singing once more.

Tell the wicker man,
I said hello.
Tell the wicker man,
To come home.

Tell him his wife misses his lips,
How his hands gripped her hips.

Tell his children,
They'll see him again.
Not in the army,
Not with a hundred men.

Tell the wicker man,
His lips are missed.
Tell the wicker man,
Give me a kiss.

Kiss me softly,
Kiss me slow.
Our footprints
Still in the snow.

Melted away, by our love.
Tell the wicker man,
Please tell the wicker man.

Harmonizing softly with the notes until the song ended. Eventually the bar came to close but there were still a few people lingering about. I had no heart to kick them out.

So I made Brian do it.

I hear footsteps behind me but I made no move to turn around. Still playing as if nothing was wrong.

"Bar is closing friend, you gotta go." I say calmly.

"I'm sure you could take a request or two." I froze at the sound of his voice. My fingers messing up the song and pausing instantly. Brian immediately rose his voice and demanded everyone leave.

For that I was grateful.


"You couldn't just leave me alone? Didn't I tell you to write me off!" I rose off the piano bench baring my fangs.

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