Chapter 16- Intimacy Amongst Strangers

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I had just finished loading my SUV with the last of my things.

My mattress from the basement laid out on the front lawn with a couple of other things I decided to throw away.

Layla and Sabrina watched from the bay window of the kitchen as I slammed the trunk door shut. My father standing at the door way.

He couldn't hide his anger even if he tried. What I was doing was disrespecting him and shaming our family. Females are not supposed to leave their childhood home unless it's with their mates.

Well I'm lucked out.

"I absolutely forbid you to leave." My father came down the steps as I threw a box filled with my games into the back seat.

"I'm not staying in this house with you." I say. He can't stop me no matter how strong he thinks he is. I've fought men bigger than my dad plenty of times when I went to the city.

I could easily take him on if need be.

Leaning against the drivers side I put a cigarette between my lips and light it.

"You are only eighteen! What you are doing is neglecting your family!"

"I'm twenty dad and my family has neglected me for the past seven years." My tone even and calm. My father growls lowly. "You think you can intimidate me? You think you can hurt me more than you have in the past? I'm not Layla or Cody, and that's exactly why you've never paid attention to me. Which makes this easier than you think."

I flick my cigarette towards the mattress and it instantly ignites in flames.

I could hear my mothers screams from the kitchen as I jumped into my car and pulled into the street.

The rain beginning to fall as I put the pedal to the metal and sped away. My phone went off with Hal's name on the screen but I ignored it. I wanted nothing to do with anyone right now, and I wasn't in any mood to entertain his antics.

My new place was closer to pack borders and close to the cliffs. The view of the city in the distance, lit up and alive calling to me. Inviting me to come back and make noise like I used to.

It was in a small apartment complex that faced the view of the city. But further away from other wolves my age, instead it had a mix of other super naturals. I could smell the scent of a few sprites and faeries, gorgons and maybe a vampire.

Unloading everything into my new apartment was a long task. The emptiness here was screaming and my heartbeat seemed too loud. My phone went off again with Hal's name on the screen.

I answered this time.


"Dude what's this about setting a fire on your front lawn?The entire pack is talking about it!"


"Sol did you run away?" He asks.

"No, I'm still here." I say.


"I moved out. That's it. It didn't run away." I say as I walk through the apartment. One bedroom, one bathroom, the living room and the kitchen. For myself, and only myself. I don't have to hide and sneak around in shame.

"Are you gonna show me your new place?" He asks.

"I need to take a shower and unpack Hal." I say curtly and hang up the phone. I don't need Hal knowing where I live.

It's silent again and the sun is starting to set. I dig through my boxes until I find what I'm looking for. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, grabbing a section of hair I raise the scissors and snip the chunk off.

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