Chapter 15- Nearly 500

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The fact that they sat at our booth was astonishing.

We all ordered and waiting for our food Holland decided to strike up a conversation first.

"I know we haven't talked much but I hear a lot of you from Christine."

"Oh?" I lean back in my seat.

"Mhmm." He nods to me. "She says you're not the friendly type. Told me that you and Hal are somewhat an item."

"We're nothing." I say cooly. "He's an attention seeking leech and I have a car."

"Oh but you love me." He says throwing his arm over my shoulder with a smile.

"Do I?" I cock an eyebrow at him.

Christine laughs and clears her throat as she scoots in closer to Holland. Giving him a quick glance with no readable emotion.

"How long have you been leeching off her then?"

"Since the beginning of freshman year of college. I think it's true what they say about extroverts and introverts destined to find each other."

"Oh really?" Christine asks but I easily catch the hint of sarcasm that Hal completely misses.

"Yup. I was with my friends and I found my little firefly here." He pinches my cheek and gives me a quick kiss. "She was a heartbroken, helpless little girl. I took her in and gave her life and a home. And a place in my bed."

I snort.

"Not a chance, considering what I saw was hanging between your legs."

Hal frowns as I speak through the link and lets out a deep exhale with a fake smile.

"Where did you two meet?" Hal asks.

"We met when Henry the eighth was in power." Holland says as he gives an admiring look to Christine.

I choke on my own spit but try to hide it behind a cough. I didn't succeed.

That was nearly five hundred years ago.

"So Solus," Hal turns to me but we hear our table number from the front.

"Imma get that." I say and quickly stand before anyone can protest.

Grabbing our plates and placing them onto a large plastic tray, I smoothly carry them back to our table placing the edge of the tray on the table.

"Hurry, take your plates." I say and their hands reach out grabbing their own plates. "Imma get the drinks."

Giving out the drinks to everyone and giving the tray back to the cashier, we all sit down to enjoy our meals. My curiosity peaked with what I saw them order.

Holland ordered a steak with fries and a fat cup of soda. Christine ordered shrimp alfredo, Hal ordered a chicken salad, and I ordered a greasy bacon cheese burger with cheese fries.

I am an extremely unhealthy eater, but their cheese fries are too good to ever pass up.

"Sol, you know you don't need to have your teeth out to eat a burger." Hal says as he stabs into a piece of chicken.

"And you should know better than to tell me how to eat a cheese burger." I say flashing my fangs at him.

"I do find it interesting that your eyes and fangs are always out." Holland says as he cuts his stake.

"Out of every interaction we've had, I've never seen you without them." Christine chimes in. "It is a sign of offense and almost a threat in your community, right?"

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