Chapter 50- Like an Anarchist

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Laying on my back on the floor as I watched Morty eat the little bit of food that I put in the bowl.

Gently scratching his head as he ate. I couldn't feed him too big portions or he could get sick.

Baby was still asleep in his bed and Bubba watched Morty eat. I wave my hand towards Bubba and he pads over laying down beside me.

I throw a lazy arm over him as we both watch Morty finish the rest of his food. The sun isn't even over the horizon yet and the house is quite in the early hours of a dark morning.

Cooing softly at Morty as he licks the bowl clean. He pads over to us, his floppy ears dragging on the floor.

"You full, huh?" I say as I place him in my chest. The pup licking my mouth and nose, the smell of the dog food layering my skin.

"Ima gonna have to wash my face again." I say as I wipe his saliva off my face. "Time for the bathroom!"


Walking onto campus with my eyes glued to my phone and my earbuds in, I barely notice the stares and whispering. All like the day before.

Going right into the cafe and meeting Mack again. They hand me my coffee and I take my usual seat by the window. Unlocking my phone as I slowly sip my coffee and wait for first class.

A hand waves itself in front of my face and I see a girl I've never met before. She was cute, curly copper hair, tanned skin like she visits the beach a lot. Shorter than me by a few inches but that was only with the green leather pumps she wore on her feet.

Her toes peaking out and looking red. I could see the back of the heel strap digging into her skin. The skin turning red as it rubbed against her heel. She's in pain.

"I saw you on Christines Instagram page yesterday and I just really wanted to meet you." She says with a wide but nervous smile on her face.

She's harmless.

"Hello." I say with a barely there smile.

"Hi! You're so pretty!" She says.

"Thank you." I say not knowing what else to say.

"So your name is Solus, right? People keep saying you're dating lots of different people, is any of that true?" She asks.

"I'm not dating anyone." I say with a laugh as I gaze back at my phone.


My eyes raise back up to hers and she's looking at me with a different kind of interest. I pause waiting for her to say anything else.

"Well, there's an event happening with the sparing teams from Neoma and Rockwell tomorrow. Maybe I'll see you there?" She asks. She sounds hopeful.

Is she flirting with me?

"It's a possibility. But I'm gonna be honest I rarely go to school events to begin with." I say with a small smile.

"Well, think about it?" She says. "And my name is Maddy, in case you were wondering." She gives another nervous laugh and turns to walk off.

"Hey Maddy?" I calm out before she's too far. She turns back fast with a smile. My eyes trail down to her heels. Her massively uncomfortable looking heels. "I can tell those are hurting you."

She looks down at her feet.

"You shouldn't wear those again." I say and glance back at my phone.

I can hear her hesitant steps move away from me and I'm left alone again.

The day drags on. People still staring as I walk through the halls. Class after class was filled with the same curious eyes and whispered questions.

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