Chapter 25- Fae Fun

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"There I feel much more like myself." I say bouncing down the building front steps.

I changed into my army green baggy pants, a wife beater and a short sleeve black button up that smelled freshly of clean linen. My heavy black boots stomping against the pavement as I made my way to Winter. Baby curled in my front pocket with his head sticking out to smell the air.

She also changed her clothes, but somehow did it faster than me.

She wore a baby pink sun dress, her hair in a high pony tail with a pink bow securing it, with matching pumps. Her wings catching the light as they laid on her back, the iridescence of them gave off a glittering pink hue. Damn, she was femme as hell. I've never seen someone wear so much pink, ever.

"But I really liked you in those fancy clothes! You looked so professional and cute." She says I shake my head and smirk to myself as we get in the car. Winter takes Baby from my pocket and he curls into her lap as she pets his small head.

"I don't wear bright colors like you or them." I say as I start the car. "I have no real taste in what's supposed to be fashionable, I just dress in what's comfortable for me."

"It works for you. But since we're going into the city, what are you gonna do there."

"Getting what I'm owed."


The city was busy with people crashing together and moving like the sea. Everyone going in every single possible direction as they avoided interaction with anyone passing them.

Damn, I can't wait to move here.

We pull into the garage of a large glass sky scraper and park. Winter scurries out of the car and I do as well following close behind as I tuck Baby back into my front pocket.

Heading into the elevator, a few other piling in with us I inhale and notice the entire elevator smelling too sweet for my liking. I wrinkle my nose as we lift into the air feeling the air thinning with their smell.

Once we finally get to Winter's floor, I exit and inhale the open air gasping with relief.

"It wasn't that bad."

"Not that bad? You're essence is already sweet enough, but when there is more of you in a confined space it's almost aggressive. I swear I almost started hallucinating." I say.

Baby meows from my side pocket.

"See Baby agrees." Winter shakes her head at me as she leads me through the floor.

Noticing there are many more faeries here, all of their wings displayed brilliantly as the sunlight shines in through the floor to ceiling windows. Walking over to the windows, I look out taking in the view.

The entire city was beneath my feet and everything seemed so much small. The people moving like ants and the other buildings around us letting us peak into the other offices.

Other busy workers, people stressed and shuffling through cubicles, and files of reports with coffee mugs in hand.

"How's it feel to stand on top of the world?" Someone whispers in my ear and I turn to see a blond little faerie standing way too close. Wearing an all blue waterfall dress, her glittering blue wings fluttering behind her.

"From up here I understand God a little bit more." I answer and her wings flutter behind her as she observes me.

"Don't you wolves believe in Nyx?"

I cock an eyebrow and turn full to face her.

"And you are?"

"I'm sorry, I'm Katie. You're Winter's friend, aren't you?" Her smile was way too bright to be believable and my wolf growled at the way she said Winter's name. Like she was stepping over acid.

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