Chapter 3- Unknowingly Knowing

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I had already finished with my day, but I had work-study and so I was dancing around the library putting the books away.

A sway to my step as I moved more loosely and calmly, rather than frantic and energized. I tied my large t-shirt above my mid section as the library was entirely too hot and could never shut the heat off.

Despite the biting chill that the rain filled evening could provide, I was still soaking through my shirt. The library was empty and the only place a felt comfortable showing a little skin.

Students never could make it through the library without breaking a sweat, so it was an isolated haven of pure quiet nirvana.

My phone on speaker as it rested in my back pocket. Swaying my hips to the song as I hummed out the words. Pushing the cart through to the other side of the lobby, my hair swinging about in its loosely tied ponytail.

Tendrils sticking to my face.

The song is interrupted by my phone going off. Hal's name, and a picture of him making a face and sticking out his tongue.

The screen alive with his personal ringtone that he set for himself, I scoff an answer.

"I'm enjoying my solitude at the moment." I don't even bother taking the phone off speaker.

"I know, Firefly. How beautiful is it that I can make that solitude better with just the seductive sound of my voice." He says cockily.

"Hal your voice is the equivalent of me finding gum on the bottom of my shoe, and being too lazy to scrape it off." I say as I slide a book into place.

"You are hurting my feelings." Hal says flatly.

"Why are you calling me?" I sigh as I move the cart along the library.

"I'm telling you that I won't be riding home with you tonight. My boys and I are going to this club and,"

"And you're hoping to run into your favorite exotic dancer, Emerald." I cut him off and tease him.

"She's not my favorite!" Hal says defensively.

"Yes she is." I reply flatly and stop putting my books away. Deep into the library nearing the dust covered shelves that no one goes to, unless it's to get high. I have to cover my nose with my shirt.

Hal goes on about his plans before telling me goodbye and hanging up. Promising the next meal is on him. I say nothing and hang up the phone.

Hurriedly finishing my section in the back, I grab the cart pushing it over across the next few isles.

The thought of Amber crossing my mind for the hundredth time today. Then the picture of that happy Lycan couple. Lycans are guaranteed a mate, while other supernaturals, such as myself are left only to chance.

The worst thing about mates is that it's a hit or miss thing. People rarely ever find them anymore, if you do it's a miracle.

When I found out Amber was my mate, the first thing I thought was holy shit, this is it. This is my gift from god. My best friend. Then she rejected me in record time and I was left to believe god wasn't real.

She went on to mate and marry the alpha of our pack and here I am, still crying at night because of her.

How pathetic am I?

"You are very deep in thought." A sweet voice makes me jump and my eyes shoot up, locking on with deep gentle blue eyes that stare from between the shelves.

My eyes narrow in a glare but I recognize those eyes anywhere. They are the eyes of a Lycan.

"Anything I could help you with?" I say as I slam the books back in place. Pushing my cart back down the isle in hopes of avoiding her.

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