Chapter 49- Peg all Men

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"So those are your morals?" Christine asks as we leave the gun store. A newly bought machete in my hand wrapped in newspaper and tied with twine.

"Yeah. Eat the rich and peg all men." I say with a wide grin. "But with consent of course. We all want to have fun here."

"Yes because people would definitely consent to cannibalism." Christine giggles sarcastically as we make our way to the car.

"Stranger things have happened, Princess." I say as I open the drivers side and hop in. Christine also doing the same as I throw my machete in the backseat. "I'm hungry, you feel like grease covered take out food?"

"That is massively unhealthy!" Christine scoffs feigning disgust before her face stretches out in a wide smile. "Absolutely."

Forty minutes later we are sitting in the diner parking in the trunk of my car, food splayed out in front of us. I had went to the liquor store that was right next to the diner. Buying four bottles of whiskey that I would enjoy later, Christine muttering about the state of my liver as she heard the glass clinking together as I set them down in the backseat.

Crawling into the trunk and making myself comfortable as I eye my food.

Bacon cheeseburger with bacon cheese fries, and a beer inside a giant clear plastic travel cup that I had bought from the pharmacy across the street. A classic!

Christine only indulged a little and got the French fries, alongside a shrimp pasta with wine that sat in the same type of clear cup.

Cuz I bought one for her too.

"Only merlot for me." She says happily as she takes a sip from the clear acrylic straw.

"You sound like a soccer mom in her thirties." I say taking a mean bite from my burger.

"Well I've already aged passed that point." She says as she twister her fork in the pasta.

"Fuck!" I curse with my mouth full of food.

"Sol we're eating." Christine scolds as I hurriedly swallow down the food.

"No I mean, I have to get a new phone."


"I made a deal that requires a phone." I mutter. "It's still day light out I can just get it later."

"Ok but we're eating now and that doesn't need a phone." She says as she pulls out her phone. She raises it above her and snaps a picture with me in frame. "Only if your going to post it on social media. That's the only exception."

I raise an eyebrow at her as I pop a cheese covered fry into my mouth. "The only exception huh?"

After half an hour I've already eaten all my food and am now sipping on a blend of whiskey mixed in with the beer that's already left.

"Solus you're driving, you can't be drinking and driving."

"This isn't even enough to get me to get drunk on. Why do you think I bought four bottles." I say.

"I understand that but from what Natasha and Victor saw that night-"

"I had went double my limit and was high. Trust me it really does take a lot." I say plainly. Christine give me a look and I simply shrug my shoulders.

The air around us was cold, the people still walking about as the day fell into a dark afternoon.

"Solus have you used drugs before?" Christine asks as she is laid across the floor of the car, the straw an easy pathway for the wine

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