Chapter 6- It's Just a Party

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"Is there a reason why you are trying to shove me into a bikini?" I hold up the tiny piece, Hal smiling widely at the two piece.

"You could be a surfer." He says with a shrug.

"Or I could be the boot up your ass." I say tossing the piece back at him. "You want us so badly to go, but you're doing nothing to help your cause."

"I'm supervising!" He says with the tiny two piece hanging off his head.

"Supervising my dick!" I say as I smack him across the head. Continuing to smack him as he curls into the chair.

"Look I'm not supervising, I'm helping."
He says standing and pickup the costumes we had to sort through. I sigh and dig into my pocket searching for my pen.

Walking over to the other side of the costume shop, my eyes finding a large glass case lining the walls. The glass case has hundreds of masks, all uniquely designed and ranging from every color.

Walking along the walls as I stared on in curious fascination. These masks were really good quality. Each of them having thousands rhinestones, catching the twilight sun through the window.

I stopped on a simple Matt black mask. It had the price of eight dollars hanging from the side.

"Excuse me, can I get this one?"

Later Hal and I made ourselves presentable. Going back to his place to get ready. Hal decided to go as the Phantom of the opera.

He suited the character really well, as soon as he put in the cape, it became nearly impossible for him to move away from the mirror for a second.

My costume wasn't anything special at all. I put on a simple loose fitting black suit. The pants covering the leather ankle boots I wore underneath. They rose me to about four inches above my height.

The blazer draped over my shoulders but held together in the front with a simple gold chain that looped and hung from two buttons. The sleeves going over my hands and whispering delicately at my knuckles.

I wore nothing underneath the blazer, letting the full view of my cleavage show, unapologetic and proud. All the way down to the neat waist band of the pants. I had an ample and full body, that I could thank my mother for.

Feeling the weight of the black mask in my hand, I felt pure thin steel laying across my hands.

Pressing the adhesive to my face I found that it kept up quiet well.

My eyes shined gold in the mirror. Outlined with kohl eyeliner, and my eyelashes fanned out and curled up begging for attention. My lips were naked and only wore a gloss. It was a simple look and the only one I knew how to do.

My hair was left natural. Pinned back on one side as the other covered my eye. My hair's wild curls fell all the way down to my behind. The mess couldn't be helped.

Exiting the bathroom, I see Hal at the mirror once again fidgeting and flirting with himself.

"How do I look?" I ask and Hal turns his mouth falling open. I look down at myself thinking something is out of place.

Checking my chest to ensure I was still covered, Hal stood gaping at me for what felt like minutes. I clapped my hands together and gave a nervous laugh.

"Should we go?" Having no desire to have Hal stare at me for another five minutes, I turn to the door.

Heading down to my car, we jump inside and head off for the costume party.

"You think they got valet?" Hal asks as he shuffled through the songs on my phone.

"It won't matter because we are not parking with them." I say.

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