Chapter 48- One Machete Please

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I sat in my car as I waited for Christine. Scrolling through my phone as music played in the background. The sad song filling my ears through my earbuds.

The rain adding an air of sadness around the car that was almost suffocating. It's hard to escape your thoughts when you're feeding into the emotions that the painful memories thrive off of.

The rain being swiped to the side rudely by the windshield wipers. Through the curtain of rain I could see Christine coming out the school. I honk my car horn catching her attention.

Before she could fully step out of the rain, I pull out of the parking space and move my car up to the steps. She carefully skips her way down the marble steps and rushes into the car.

"Thank you!" She says as she shakes off some of the rain that collected on her hair and jacket. I hum back as a response and moving my way around the other cars in the parking lot, I pull out onto the street and begin driving.

"So what are we doing?" I ask.

"Give me your phone and I'll put in the address." She says and I do exactly that.

She speaks as she types in the address, the clicking noise coming up behind her voice.

"Was your day at least the slightest bit easier since this morning?"

I sigh.

"It was bearable. I never had to threaten so many people in one day before though."

"I find that hard to believe." Christine laughs. She places my phone on the magnet phone holder on the dashboard. Following along that thick blue line on the screen as Christine begins asking questions.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Anything that isn't too bright." I answer honestly. "I'm assuming your favorite color is green."

"How'd you know?" She says giving me a megawatt smile.

"The Mother Nature costume you wore when I went to the masquerade. People tend to wear the color like or what they look best in during those types of things."

"Well technically it's a green gold but no one's gotten that close before." She says leaning back in her seat. I couldn't help but notice the smile that was plastered on her face.

"Can I ask you something else?"

"Sure." I shrug my shoulders, turning onto another street as the navigator directed me.

"Do you really hate the lycans or are you just like that with everyone?"

"No, but you guys have a lot of things that I'm jealous of. Most people have a lot of things I'm jealous of."

"What do you mean?" She says turning her body to me a slight bit.

"Most people have a group of friends they can confide in, or a lover they can talk to. Most people have people they can call family." I try to maintain the sadness in my voice, refusing to let any emotion show.

"And you don't feel like you have those things?" Resting her hand on her chin as her eyes graze my face.

"I think I'm just floating through other people's lives. Like a side character. I'm not really that important to anyone. You see me and then you don't. It is what it is." I shrug my shoulders.

"I can see why people may think you're a little mean with that kind of mentality." She says.

"Oh I know I'm mean. I'm an asshole and I know I'm an asshole. I can be the rudest, meanest, most horrible person you've ever met. But do you know why?"

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