Chapter 62- Who Did "It" Better

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"So let me get this straight?" Winter says with her plate in her lap. Both of us had ordered Mac n' cheese, with collard greens, yellow rice, fried chicken and corn bread. We sat in the gazebo in the court yard as I gave winter a run down of what happened between me and Raenah.

"You and Elder Raenah Bari were together for five months, then you left suddenly, just disappeared. Now Nikolai called her in to see if there is something she could do to help you."

"That's what they're grudge match is about." I say as I stuff the collard greens into my mouth.

"What I can't believe is that you were topping one of the most powerful witches in the eastern hemisphere." Winter says as she looks at me, her chin supported by her hands.

"Winter," I groan rubbing my eyes with my fingers.

"I'm serious that is bizarre!" Winter argues. "I was around when Bari's name came floating into my court. She was famously beautiful. And if I'm honest, she earned it." Winter says shoving a spoonful of rice into her mouth.

"Yeah I know." I say.

"How did you two meet?" Winter asks leaning forward.

"I was India with Seffy. Seffy was dealing with people that wanted to trade and do buisness, but had no cover for it. So Seffy sometimes hosts this huge outdoor concert with the same style as Grits. People that also need to trade would be witches and that how they sometimes get their ingredients because it's too much work to ask for ingredients from the council."

"Better to just do it on your own." She shrugs.


"So you and Bari met like that?"

"Actually it was a group of her students." I say. "They were at the clue trying to get ingredients alone, they fucked up on a deal, Seffy saved them and brought them back with me in tow. Seffy needed to make a deal with Rae anyways."

"And that's how you guys met." Winter says.

"She sat us down, apologized for her girls, gave us drinks, and more drinks," I sigh. "Next thing you know I'm topping her with my fingers in her mouth." I shrug.

"You have had quite the life." Winter stares at me in fascination. "An elder witch, Demadeus which still confuses me on how you managed to meet him of all people, you're mated to the most powerful Lycan, and you've done more drugs in the last four years of your life then Drew Barrymore. What the fuck, Solus."

"What can I say?" I shrug my shoulders as I lean back in my seat. Sipping away on my glass of whiskey. "It's been interesting."


I found Nikolai in his room, sulking in his usual seat, staring at the space where I've been sleeping for the passed few hours.

I was carrying one bottle of his special brewed Rum and two glasses.

"We need to talk." I say as I close the door behind me.

He silent as I move to sit in front of him on the bed. "That little grudge match between you and Rae was too damn much."

"She started it!" Nikolai barked. "Throwing your past relationship in my face just to piss me off." He grumbles.

"Nikolai, I haven't seen her in almost a year. And I left her without any notice which she was mad at me for. If that tells you anything, it's that I didn't love her. So take comfort in at least that." I say.

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