Chapter 64- Mature Content Warning

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"You need to trust me." Rae walks around me as I stood in the middle of the room. Tracing the outline of black salt and chalk on the floor that gave me my own sea bear circle.

We were using a vacant room hidden deep in the palace for the last few weeks. Not even the servants were seen around the halls. The room had basic floor to ceiling windows that show the view of the forrest stretching into the horizon. The sun shining into the room, but with no warmth.

"I'm not in any mood, trusting or not, to be doing this." I say agitation clear in my voice.

"You not drinking will help this process. Believe that and our sessions have helped with the progress." She says as she grabs a mason jar holding it out to me.


"You wish." She says. "It's so I have an easier time searching your mind."

"You didn't tell me we'd be going into my head." I snap.

I've been irritable for the last month. Raenah and Nik both told me that for this to work, I'd need to be sober for longer than three weeks. It's been a month.

I've already graduated Neoma. It's starting to show signs of Winter. And here I am about to expose my past trauma to someone I used to gag.

Just a regular afternoon.

"In our first few session I explained you had a mental block," she says.

"Right, and that you'd need to do more exercises with me until you could remove it." I say and hold up the jar. "You didn't say you'd be going inside my head."

"Those blocks won't leave by choice Solus." Raenah says stopping right in front of me outside the circle. "We need to forcibly remove them so we can hopefully restore your wolf and give her a chance to live. When the healing begins, everything will be better. But right now we have to deal with the hard part."

I stare at the glass. The potion looking like regular water, but I smelled all the herbs and ingredients it had. The appearance was just to make it easier for me.

"So if I drink this, then what?" I ask as I look back up to her.

Raenah sighs as her hands clasp together. She gives me a straight look.

"It will bring up every painful horrible memory you've ever had. Memories always have a link, hopefully I can find the link and break it and you can begin to heal."

"And the sea bear circle?" My hand drops to my side still holding the jar.

"It's to block out the noise."




Solus stands there for a long moment. Us watching each other. Her eyes are just as intimidating and soul gripping as the first day I saw them.

My hands gripping each other to stop the shaking. I wasn't prepared for this. I didn't know if I could heal her and that scared me.

I have healed many people. Removing sicknesses and illnesses for hundreds of people. Training my students to do the same and use their magic to its fullest advantage. But then there was Solus.

It seemed as if her sickness was terminal.

But she didn't live like it was.

I saw it in her.

Her sickness. Festering inside her, feeding into her madness and grief. Eventually twisting and settling inside of her mind. Locking her soul into its own purgatory.

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