Chapter 41- Sex in my Lungs

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It was like coming home.

And Seffy was there with a smile and drink, like he was expecting me.

"You are looking delicious, Sol." He says eyes roaming my body, and I smirk as I take the drink from him. "Causing quite the stir in the media too. I need details."

"Well those can wait, it's nothing but one disappointment after the other." I say and throw back the drink.

"I heard of a faerie party happening uptown. I can tell you were there by the essence. Faeries are not really shy with their pheromones are they." He says as we head to one of the private rooms. Entering, we take a seat at the bar. The scene playing below us like a favorite episode.

"No, but it was tolerable."

"And you're here tonight for what?" He says pouring me a glass of white rum.

"I want something to make me, smile." I say as I inhale the coconut fragrance. My eyes fluttering closed at the sweet smell. Coconut is a weakness for me.

"I've never had that request from you before." I can feel his eyes on me.

"I've had a shit week Sef. God seems to like making me his bitch, and I'm in no mood to cater to anyone else's desires except my own for a while." I say and down the drink.

"So you want to smile." He says as he reaches into his coat pocket. "I have just the thing. But it is new and a hard hitter. I tried it myself."

"What does it do?"

"It brings you to a new level of euphoria. It makes you smile." He says and presents me with a glowing neon green pill. Will this thing kill me? Honestly, I wouldn't mind it.

"What do you want for it?" I ask.

He smiles and hands it to me.

"You're my prize fighter. This is me treating you for all your hard work."  He says and I scoff. Picking the pill up to see a smily face carved into it. Was this supposed to be funny?

"You need to pull me out yourself if I go too far." I say seriously. Seffy drops his smile and gives me a serious nod. Despite Seffy being a little shady, I could trust him with these sort of things. He wasn't one to risk his business, me also being apart of that business.


Emerging from the cage match covered in my opponent's blood as my vision pulses wildly. My body twitching in feverish excitement. I can't stop shaking. Seffy extends his hand up and helps me down from the iron bars. The three men still in the cage unconscious and covered in gashes and blood.

The blood looked so vibrant. Like a sea of rubies glittering over the fluorescent lighting. The crowd of people waving fistfuls of money in the air and shouting like animals. Hungry, hungry animals.




I'm a savage bloodthirsty animal.

Seffy drags me away from the scene. The private rooms air condition feeling like pure ice against my skin. But I laughed as I was tossed onto the couch. Seffy talking heatedly into the phone.

Smile on his face but eyeing me the whole time. The colors around me pulsating wildly, the music from the snake pit calling to me.

My hips refusing to stay still as I purred lowly. I could feel my hair sticking to my face. Blood drenching everything, my hair, my clothes, my knuckles split open and bleeding. I probably look like a horror show, don't I?

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