Chapter 19- Say My Name

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Winter stayed until midnight than left to get some sleep. I hadn't had such a good time with anyone else since Amber. And we hadn't hung out in years.

It felt nice having someone to talk to. Cleaning around the living room, I heard a knock at the door. Setting the garbage bin down I head over to the door and pull it open.

"Winter you left your-" my sentence cut short by Nikolai standing in my door way.

"I told you, you wouldn't like it if I had to track you down myself." He says and pushes his way in.

Dressed in a black slacks, a black button up and shoes to match. A black expensive trench coat over his large form. He is bathed in the purple light of the light strips. His platinum ice blonde hair catch the color easily.

I close the door and swallow down the whines of my wolf as having him in our home.

My kitten meows at the scent of the new visitor. I rush over and pick up the kitten. Baby sniffs at my chest and licks at my skin purring softly.

He takes notice of Baby in my hands.

"This is your new apartment." He looks around. "I don't like that it's so close to the borders. Was their a faerie in here?"

"My neighbor Winter." I say. "Why are you here, your majesty?"

"I've told you already, to call me Nikolai. If I have to tell you again, I'll resort to more physical measures." He moves in on me and I quickly turn to the kitchen setting Baby down on the floor.

"Why did you leave home?"  He asks and I sigh as I turn on the faucet, grabbing the sponge and soap I get to washing the dirty dishes.

"It was simply time for me to move out. I needed my own space, away from them. Away from most people."

"I wonder if you thought this would be effective in distancing yourself from me." He shrugs off his coat throwing it on the couch.

"I had hoped." I say. He moves to the kitchen as I work my hands, washing and drying the plates. The lukewarm water the only thing to keep my eyes busy. But my other senses were heightened as he moves closer to me.

"Sol, you haven't fully grasped what's you are to me." He says as undoes his cuffs, pushing his sleeves up his arms.

"We are nothing." I said cooly, but something in me knew that was a lie.

He grabs my waist and spins me to face him. "How many times are you going to tell yourself before you realize, that it isn't true." His eyes glowing brightly as his grip around my waist tightens and pulls me closer to him.

"Your Majesty,"

He lets out a growl that makes me jump, my fangs coming out in defense.

"I told you to call me Nikolai, love." He growls his head dipping into my neck. "You will say my name."

I feel tongue lap out and lick up my neck. His tongue against my throat made my body shake and shiver. My wolf moaning in my chest at the feel of his large hands gripping into my skin.

"Say my name, little wolf." He growls and I growl between my teeth as he reaches behind me to turn off the water. Propping me up on the sink as my hands come up to hold his shoulders.

His tongue lapping at the bruise on my chin. My wolf liked feel of his essence mixing with ours.

"What are you doing?" It comes out as a breathy moan as I grip his shoulders for stability.

"Mine." He growls as his hands lift up under my shirt, his nails digging into my back.

"Your majes-" I'm cut off as his mouth comes up to capture my lips. Taking me down from the sink and turning he pins me to the fridge.

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