Chapter 46- What Friends Do

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Waking up the morning to an empty house, the hard clap of thunder making Bubba whine from the foot of my bed. Groaning as I rolled over and threw my arms up stretching.

Bubba hops onto my bed laying at my side, I throw my arm over him and we snuggle together on the bed. Baby meowing in protest at not being included.

I reach over and pick him up laying him on my stomach. He sits perched up with his nose in the air, meowing continuously.

Bubba leaning in to lick at his little brother effectively stopping his protests before returning to my embrace. Pets are so much less complicated than people.

Dragging myself out of bed I shower and get ready. My hair having only grown a little bit, I was actually very much happy with the short choppy bob I had. It made mornings much easier.

Dressing in baggy dark blue jeans that hung off my hips, I shrugged on an oversized grey sweater that hung off one shoulder, completely negating a bra, cuz on some real shit, fuck that. I laced up my rain proof combat boots and grabbed my backpack heading out.

Filling up my kids feeding bowls before I left, I exited the house and as I was locking the door noticed Winter standing a few feet away from my door, leaning against the wall.

Once again dressed in all pink, bubblegum pink jeans, pink blouse, pink stiletto heels. Pink pink pink. But she looked drained and tired like she didn't sleep. Her wings draped against her back looking deflated.

I sigh hooking my thumb in my front pocket as I stared at her. We said nothing for a few seconds, and then I spoke first.

"You sold me out." I say.

"He's your mate Solus." She countered back.

"Regardless of whatever relationship I have with whoever, it's not your place to intervene." I say and walk past her.

"I get why you're upset," she says chasing after me. "But I could only think about how I would kill to have my mate, you fighting with yours made me angry and we both know," she grabs my wrist stopping me. "If you guys were to separate, it would have killed you."

"That still wasn't your decision to make. Imagine yourself in my position for a second Winter, and it shouldn't be too hard considering the time I spent in Amsterdam and what you saw." I say snatching my wrist out of her hold. Her head drops and she sighs. "It's not that hard to understand that somethings you just don't get involved with. Imagine if you had found your mate and I was poking all up in your business, doing things I shouldn't be. I would think you wouldn't appreciate that very much."

She looks back up at me, eyes sunken in and tired, she looked how I felt.

"I understand." She says. "I get why you're upset, I lied to you and done something I shouldn't have. Solus I'm sorry."

I step back observing her for a second.

"Please forgive me. Okay? We're still friends right?" She says looking hopeful. I say nothing but after a short internal battle I sigh.

"Yes Winter, we're still friends. Just recognize where the boundaries are."


Pulling into the school parking lot, the rain coming down like hail, smacking against the windshield so hard I though the glass might break.

I park, and moving fast I jump out the car, locking it, and run quickly into the building. Making it inside only slightly damp from the rain, I head into the campus coffee shop.

It's feels like it's been too long since I've been back on campus. Looking around the shop noticing there isn't many people which I'm grateful for. Making it to the front of the line, I see Mack the barista.

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