Chapter 51- Trust First

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Victor helped me to my apartment but had nothing but protests. Grunting and complaining the entire way up as I basically forbade him from telling Nikolai. Theo behind us carrying the duffle bags.

"He should know, shouldn't he?" Victor says as we stagger into the apartment. Winter was gone and my kids were asleep in their beds. But Bubba woke up at the sound of us. "I mean you two mated so he should know what's going on."

"We didn't." I groan as I peel Victors arm from around my shoulders and throw myself on the couch.

"What? But he marked you, why didn't-"

"He stopped." I grunt as I flip over onto my back. Pain wracked my body as my mind is swimming in a mess of alcohol and Seffy's experiments. 

"He didn't mate you?" Victor sounds entirely shocked as he falls into the love seat closest to me. "Why not?"

"I told him to stop." I say plainly.

I remember the night. It wasn't that long ago either. When he was kneeling over me full intention to tear me to bits, I simply told him I wasn't ready.

And he listened.

I could see the need in him. He was a pure bred Lycan that had pure Lycan urges. He was kneeling over me for maybe fifteen seconds before he nodded his head and told me to just go to sleep.

He stayed with me until I fell asleep. He didn't even get under the covers with me, he didn't touch me. Instead he sat in the chair closest to the bed and watched me. He didn't think I'd notice or that I was too drugged up to know. But everything in me dissipates fast, and I knew.

I knew that he cared. He just didn't really have the guide book on how to show it. Honestly, nether did I.

"I need to tell him." Victor snapped me out of my wandering thoughts and I sucked my teeth. But he was quick to defend himself. "He is your mate. He can help you heal quicker, and I don't care if you don't believe me, but your injury is bad. Really bad."

I glanced down at my injured knee.

Fuckin' shit. Victor was right.

Dude had more of a swing then I gave him credit for. My knee was busted up pretty bad, still bleeding profusely despite the makeshift banged Victor made from my shirt.

I lean up and with steady hands I undo the wrap. Victor hissing at the sight of the wound as the rags of the shirt fell off. Theo peaking over Victor's shoulder grimacing at the wound.

The wound had turned entirely rancid. The wound was much more open, the flesh inside displaying itself like a newborn flower. The red raw flesh looked angry and the minute I looked at it all the pain came in.

I was ignoring it the whole way home.

Smoking cigarette after cigarette to distract myself, but I didn't have that. I clenched my jaw denying myself the urge to yell out in anger and pain, but it was too late.

"Ahhhh! Fucking christ!" I shout as I hunch over clutching my wounded knee. I couldn't ignore this one. The pain pulsing up and down my leg, making it hurt so bad I didn't even want to move.

"I'm telling Nikolai." Victor says immediately rushing over, gently taking hold of my knee.

"You think he's gonna come running at two in the morning?"

Then my doorbell rung.

Victor with his Lycan speed opened the door and Nikolai came rushing inside. He wore nothing but sneakers, grey sweats, and white t-shirt. He didn't leave any room for introductions and was crouched beside me in an instant.

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