Chapter 10- Whores and Dancing Monkeys

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I stared at myself in the mirror and sighed.

The day was bright and shining. The sun bouncing in through my window, jumping around my room like an excited toddler.

The sun was high and proud in the sky. I wasn't thrilled for today. Because the way I was dressed had me wanting to crawl under the covers and hide.

I wore my black heeled ankle boots from the other night, black thigh high socks that were clipped to a garter underneath the black pleated skirt I was wearing.

I wore a low scooped crop top that came together like a corset, pushing my breasts up for everyone's viewing pleasure.

I had a bulky looking collar wrapped around my neck and tight fingerless gloves reaching up to my forearm. Checking the weather and noticing it'll be extremely warm I decided on a thin sweater.

My hair was straightened and reached down nearly covering my behind. Tied into a half ponytail it flowed over my shoulders and hung down the front of my body. I was now contemplating a hair cut for how long this actually took me.

My make up was dark around the eyes, a smudged look to them to make it look like I spent a little too much time in bed. Lips were painted a deep burgundy and I kept it at that.

Grabbing my sunglasses off the bedside table, I grabbed my book bag and headed out.

I noticed how high the pleated skirt was and thanked myself for the sweater I had wrapped around my waist. Practically jogging to my car, that didn't help the discomfort.

On the drive to campus my phone rung cutting off the music that was playing.

"How you doing, firefly? Did you notice how bright the day is?"

"Yes." I inhale and sigh as I feel the rays heat up my chest through the windshield.

"Are you perfectly whorish for me?" He asked sweetly and I groan.

"You are going to owe me, Hal." I growl.

"Don't worry baby, I am not letting you walk in there alone."

"You're lying." I say and hit the end button, my fingers tightening over the steering wheel as I near the campus.

Choosing a parking spot closer to the main building this time. I sat in my car for maybe five minutes when I growled to myself, deciding its not worth feeling embarrassed if no one actually is going to pay attention.

Grabbing my book bag and stuffing the sweater inside, I jumped out the car. Instantly I felt more exposed and resisted the urge to jump inside the car again and hide.

I was already out.

Slinging my book bag over my shoulder, I start for the main entrance. There I see Hal and his friends at the front entrance. All of them chatting and joking and too deep in conversation to notice me.

That it until one of Hal's friends notices me and hits Hal's arm with a look of shock on his face. Hal looks my way and his eyes widen at my approaching figure.

He stands from the steps and makes his way to me. Dressed in a simple white t-shirt and acid washed jeans with brown leather boots.

The stares I was getting were increasing and I found myself walking faster to Hal. He takes me in his arms planting a firm kiss on my lips.

"Careful Hal we are in the parking lot." I pull away first and pat his chest.

"You look like every fantasy I've ever had rolled into one. Is that a collar?" His fingers reach up tapping against the buckle that kept it fastened.

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