Chapter 38- It only took a Kiss

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I refused Josephine's help with getting me ready.

This was the absolute last straw, he lies to my face, making me feel heard and I'm thinking we're going to find some middle ground.

I sat in the chair by the small circular window, gazing out over the green wide plains of home, seeing the familiar forest green trees, I could feel the growing tension in the air as Nikolai sat across from me silent as well.

Until he spoke.

"Please you can be mad at me all you want but," His hand reaches for mine but I move my hand out of his reach.

"Do not touch me." I state calmly.

He looks offended and leans forward in his seat, his eyes flashing his icy lycan blues. A snarl on his face as the beast makes himself known.

"And why am I not permitted to touch my own mate?'

"A mate wouldn't have done something like this."

I can feel his anger, but I roll my eyes at him. I'm no longer concerned with how upset he feels, or how disrespectful I'm being. I'm done being a doormat for this man. Always compromising for him, I just can't do it anymore.

My wolf begging me to see his reason, to forgive him and let him hold us. The need for him was still there, and it seemed to amplify the longer he stared at me.

I kept my mouth shut and waited for the plane to land. By the time the wheels hit the pavement, everyone on the plane stood up with me. Josephine by the door and Nikolai holding his hand out to me.

"At least let us play the part."

"I'm no liar." I say and brush past him to the exit. Josephine gripped my upper arm but my hand came up quickly, my claws coming out and sinking into her throat. "I don't want your filthy cunt hands on me. I don't want you anywhere near me, and if you say another word, I will kill you."

My voice was low with warning, the cool breeze from the outside coming into the plane, and Josephine's blood running down my forearm. Without another word she nods and I release her. shaking droplets of her blood off my hands as I exit the plane.

A crowd waiting a few meters away but looking at me in confusion. I paid them no mind and scoffed as they burst into a thunderous cheer at the sight of Nikolai. I saw Victor waiting by a black SUV, he gives me a concerned look.

"Take me home, and I mean MY home." I say and climb into the back seat. Someone already in the front driver's seat, Victor hops into the passenger seat and says nothing.

I catch Nikolai's face through the side view mirror, looking at the car with confusion as it pulls away from the scene. I sigh and lean back in my seat. A wave of overwhelming emotions hit me, anger, sadness, resentment. Resentment towards Nikolai, and towards myself for letting myself believe in someone other than myself.

Victor clears his throat.

"Solus, are you okay?"

My eyes dart to his, seeing him turned to me a sure look of concern on his face.

"I'm as okay as I can be." I answer curtly.

Distance, I need distance.

"I need to ask,"

"As a theta?"

"As a friend." He corrects. "Is everything okay between you and Nikolai?"

Looking straight into his eyes, I could only see the lycan. The selfish and neolithic beast of a temperamental toddler. Every single lycan to ever live is under his rule, telling him anything would only get back to Nikolai.

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