Chapter 1- Full House

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"Mom! Cody took my hair brush again!" Jayson shouts from upstairs.

And so the chaos ensues.

"I ain't do shit Jayson, shut up! Ma he's lying!" Cody shouts. As he is the oldest in the house, our parents would initially side with him.

That is not a surprise.

"Boys be quiet or I will waste you both!" Our fathers booming voice makes the floors of the living room tremble. With that command both boys fall silent.

Listening closely to the muttering as I'm brushing my teeth. Jayson relinquishes is hair brush to Cody, and our father grumbles on about noisy mornings.

"Mom!" The screech of my younger sister hails loud and clear. And my father growls in annoyance. "Layla stole my eyeshadow pallet! I want it back!"

"You're too young to be wearing make up anyways, Sabrina." Layla says as I hear her heels clicking into the kitchen above my head.

I spit out the toothpaste and wipe my mouth clean. Having gotten used to their bickering a long time ago, I decided to move into the basement to lessen my interactions with their noise. I think.

I'm like my father in that regard, I prefer quiet mornings.

As I get dressed I listen in on the conversation happening upstairs.

The smell of the coffee bean drifting down the stairs and beckoning me to get my fill.

Yes, I am most definitely, a caffeine addict.

My mind moves away from the numbing conversation, and I hear the gentle pitter-patter of the light rain that is just beginning. Every drop gentle, kind, until the loud crescendo of thunder give way to the fact that the rain will last all day.

Looking out my high window, the green blades of grass pressed up against the window wasn't enough to block out the view of the grey cloud sky. A white fat bolt of lighting cracks viciously across the sky. Magnificently bright and divine.

Then I feel it.

A twisting and cold feeling that settles in the space between my ribs. Nestling itself between my lungs, my wolf grows uneasy.

Something is going to happen, I feel it.


Getting dressed in black skinny jeans, an extra large graphic t-shirt and a black trench coat, I slip on a pair of shiny black rain boots, and head out through the basement door.

I tend to avoid interacting with my family. I caught on very quickly that we had nothing in common, and my thoughts and opinions would often go overlooked by our parents. Eventually I just stopped trying.

Walking around the house to the driveway, unlocking my black SUV, I hop inside tossing my backpack into the backseat. I pressed the start button at the side of the wheel and my phone connecting to the car's Bluetooth.

My playlist begins playing automatically as I turn the car onto the street. Humming along to the tune of the song as I head to campus, taking for granted the pleasures of driving.

Moving smoothly down along the highway as the rain smacks against my windshield. It's a fifty minute drive to campus, and as I get there I see students rushing inside shielding themselves from the rain.

The morning was too bright and beautiful to predict rain like this. It seemingly happened out of no where for most people.

Grabbing my backpack I jump out the car, fast walking to the entrance. I am met with the sight of students swarming the main hall as everyone of them scurries to get to class. I make my way to the campus coffee shop, ready to have my fill of caffeine.

Ordering myself a large black coffee as I make myself comfortable in a corner of the student lounge area.

My college campus is quite large. With a large Roman Catholic style and the art of stained glass windows displayed proudly at every corner, it was awe inspiring. Stretching over twenty-eight thousand acres, many supernatural's come to school here, But that also means more noise. I plug my headphones in my ears effectively blocking out the loud chatter of the student body.

Spreading out my materials for my first class, over looking it to ensure that I have everything I need. My peace is short lived when I smell the delicious smell of the person who should have been my mate.

I sigh placing my coffee cup down and looking up from my report.

There she sits. Her beautiful red hair pinned back away from her face, dressed in her usual ultra feminine fashion. Her adorably freckled face never ceases to leave my breathless.

And her sweet brown eyes.

I don't let her beauty get to me. No matter how much I want to kiss her, and mark her. I can't.

She rejected me.

I pause my music taking my headphones out.

"Is there something you need from me Amber?" I ask smoothly. She gives me a soft smile, smoothing her hair out of her face.

"I just wanted to come and say hi." She says, her bell-like voice still sounds like music to me.

"Hi. Now bye." I say and turn my eyes back to my repot.

"Sol please." The way my name fell from her lips made me stiffen up. The hairs on the back of my neck standing at attention as my wolf whined in pain. "I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask. "Could it be because my best-friend of twelve years, my mate, rejects me to be with my childhood bully?"

"Sol c'mon."

"No wait," I say giving a sarcastic smile. "It's because after rejection, you go on to ignore me and abandon me for newer and, I guess better friends."

"Sol I was just doing what was best for me."

"I was your mate Amber! You know how much having a mate meant to me!" I whisper heatedly. "And who else could it be other than my best friend? That was perfect, you were perfect."

I let out a shaky breath, and reign in my emotions.

"Sol I just want us to go back to how we used to be. Slumber parties, and secrets, and our friendship. I miss you, Sol."

My eyes glaze closed and I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose. My mind in an angry rage, a hail storm happening at the back of my throat with everything I wanted to say. Everything I wanted to scream.

"You lost any chance of that happening the minute you threw us away for rank." I reply coldly. "Now please leave, I need to make sure my reports are right for Psychology."


"Now!" I growl making multiple heads turn our way in confusion. The hurt look on her face nearly breaks me but I stand my ground. I refuse to let her affect me.

She gives me a stiff nod and stands from her seat across from me. Her perfume drifting away from me until there is nothing but peace again.

A peace that I didn't know would be taken away within the record time of fifteen minutes into my first class.

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