Chapter 47- Gossip Hounds

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Walking into Leslie's class I took an isle seat somewhere in the middle and waited.

I don't know what Christine was going to do but it's better than going home and busying myself with missed work.

The class slowly started to fill up and I slowly noticed that people were giving me side looks and whispering under their breaths. I couldn't even ignore the world in peace now?

Only a few minutes had passed as we were waiting for Leslie and instead of side glances and low whispering, people began full on staring and talking about me.

"She was photographed with Princess Winter."

"Yeah but wasn't she seen coming out of King Nikolai's private jet?"

"I think that's fake, it has to be."

"No the photo's are real."

"She's so pretty."

"Is she dating Princess Winter?"

"I think she's in a three way with the Crowned Beta's. Did you see how Beta Christine talked to her?"

Now that one is just funny.

"Did you see what she did to Hal? Weren't they dating?"

"But I thought she was dating the Princess."

"No she's dating the King."

"She dresses like a boy."

"What does that matter?"

"Wasn't her hair longer?"

"I thought she was dating Luna Amber."

I finally had enough. Sitting back in my seat and lifting up my head to give everyone a good view face. Everyone stopped talking as if they were waiting for me to say something.

But I only turned my attention to the door as Professor Leslie came in.

"Morning Professor." I say and everyone begrudgingly turned their attention to the front.

Throughout the class no one said anything but I could feel their eyes on me the entire time. I sat calmly taking notes through out the class and said nothing.

The minute class was over a group of girls cane walking up to my seat as I was packing away my things. Sitting around me as if we were familiar.

"So are you dating King Nikolai?" One brunette asked.

"No she's dating Princess Winter, or are you actually in a three way with the beta's?" Another asked.

Calmly packing away my things without saying a word.

Don't get angry, don't get angry! You will kill someone if you get angry. You know this Solus!

Trying my best to keep myself calm. I barely held back with Hal, and that in itself was already bad.

"I saw you on a gossip cite coming out of the King's private jet!"

"Do you guys actually know each other?"

"I don't think they know each other I think she was just-"

"Do you know what annoys me more than anything?" I cut them off leaning forward with a smile on my face. "When people I don't know act too familiar with me. It's so strange that you girls are talking to me now when we didn't even acknowledge each other before. It was such a blissful time wasn't it. For me not to hear your voices. Two dimensional gossip hounds that don't think they won't get their shit rocked if they keep talking to me."

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