Chapter 61- Rivalry Requires Starvation

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Elder Raenah Bari stands in front of both of us, but is staring right at me.

She hasn't changed. Raenah was centuries older than me, but only looked to be mid-thirties. Her hair was longer than mine, it fell in a heavy brown braid that ended at the back of her knees.

She wore a deep blue kurta over black pants. The clothes fit her almost perfectly, displaying the shape of her body proudly. She was thinner than me but we stood at the same height.

And she was still beautiful.

"Solus." She says my name like a lost memory.

"Hi Rae." I stand off the couch and Nikolai looks my way but doesn't say Anything. "Nikolai, Elder Raenah Bari and I already know each other."

"How exactly?"

"We spent five months together in a heavy total power exchange bdsm sexual relationship where Solus was my dominant and I was the submissive." Raenah answers and I sigh as my hand slaps my forehead in a moment of regret.

Raenah was never the type to pull punches. Good to know she's never changed.

I can feel Nikolai drilling holes into the side of my face. But I couldn't find it in me to look. I didn't have a clue what he was thinking, and I'm not sure if I wanted to know.

"You've grown quite a bit Solus." Raenah eyes me up and down and I clear my throat as I look to Raenah.

"I'm still the same, just a touch more psychotic." I say adding light sarcasm.

"So then what's a potential Psycho doing with the Kings of kings?" Raenah raises an eyebrow at me.

"This potential psycho, is mated to an actual psycho." Nikolai speaks up. "Now please refrain from looking at my mate like she's a prime cut piece on a ceramic platter. That's my job."

Nikolai's eyes flashes brightly at her and Raenah raises her chin to him staring back.

Fucking shit.

"Elder Raenah Bari!" Nikolai shouts. We were now alone in his bedroom. While I sat on his bed, he paced the room in anger. Or was he jealous.

"Nikolai you are two thousand years old. I can't even begin to comprehend how many people you've slept with." I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"It's not about how many people Solus, but Elder Raenah Bari? Her reputation,"

"Yes Rae was once a princess during ancient India, and she had a reputation for literally being the baddest bitch, but then literally setting miles of land on fire. Yes I know she sounds crazy."

"So what in the hell,"

"I was even more crazy and for some reason she was into that." I say defensively.

"I need to sit down." Nikolai says as he fixes himself a drink before taking his seat in the chair by the bed. We sat in silence for a long while as I thought about Raenah.

Yeah, we had been involved for a while. But it was primarily sexual and it didn't seem as if we had any more to offer each other, other than sex.

"What did you guys do?" Nikolai suddenly asked.

"Fuck? Why are you asking that?" I turn to look back at him.

"I'll see it anyways." Nikolai argues. "and I don't want to be surprised with anything."

"If by that logic then you better start talking. You must have been one filthy mother fucker if you had a harem." I cross my arm looking at him expectantly.

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