Chapter 73- Just a Fancy Headdress

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"How about we get you some food? You look like you need it considering they did get a few-" I say pointing to the forming bruises on Victors face.

The darkness of the alley way obscuring most of his face, but the bright street lights did enough to light our way.

"Aht aht! Shut up!" Victor snaps. "I will take the food but the only reason why they got to my face was because I didn't realize that unlimited fighters really meant unlimited fighters."

"Twelve full grown war worn wolves wanted the smoke. You leaving with a few bruises is better than I'll ever do." I say and clap him on the shoulder. We both laugh heading to my car that was parked just around the corner. I fumble with my car keys but Victor snatches them out of my hands.

"I counted five empty bottles." Victor says pushing me towards the passenger's side.

"Hold on!" We both turn at the shouting. Seffy quickly walking towards us, I meet him halfway. "My chaotic little junkyard dog, is leaving without fighting?"

"It just wasn't a good night." I shake my head.

"No, this is another one of your breaks isn't it." Seffy says. "Another one of your attempts to pretend you are not a raging psychopath?" He laughs and I hold my flat smile waiting for him to get it. "Unless..."

"Seff." I sigh.

"You don't think you're coming back?" He says taking a step back. The air between us went quiet and I could sense the tension building. "You would have said something."


"If you thought you were coming back, Sol you would have said something." He says.

"I didn't say anything because I wasn't entirely sure myself." I sigh. "I'm moving to Amsterdam soon."

Seffy sighs. "Well shit."

"Yeah. A piano bar, something like a speakeasy. Old timey but with far more alcohol to choose from." I say. Seffy looks my way letting out a slow breath.

The neon lights of the street flashing on his face, in his eyes, uncertainty.

"Sounds like a hidden gem." He says with a sad smile. "It's a shame."

"What is?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're no longer mine." He says. I cock an eyebrow at him smirking. "I need to let you go now and it kinda sucks."

"We had fun." I say. "And it's not like you'll never see me again. I'll still fight for you and we can clean the pockets of every tycoon in every city. But yeah, maybe this is another one of my breaks. Maybe this is going to be for longer than normal."

"Every time you go I'm left to the mindless grunting idiotic masses of violence, in fact you're one of the few that make this business bearable."

"Ditto." I say.

He steps closer to me giving me a kind smile. "Does it have something to do with your celebrity life? Are you truly the new Queen of the Lycans?"

"People keep asking me that as if I have the answer." I say laughing. "I know that a title like Queen is entirely earned. I'm not a Queen. I'm not royalty in any way. You said it yourself. I'm a raging psychopath, a chaotic junkyard dog."

"I know that if a title like Queen starts floating around, it's not for no reason. Especially with the lycans." He says. "As much as I'd love to keep you to myself, I think it's better that you do this." He says and I give him a mock pout which makes him laugh.

The air feels lighter between us and I hear my car engine start. Glancing behind me to see Victor already in the drivers side I turn back to Seffy.

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