Chapter 30- Not Even a Day

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When we got back to our room, I felt nothing but exhaustion. I didn't say anything to Nikolai as I made my way to the bathroom and locked myself inside.

Turning the shower on to boiling point, I ignored the stinging water as I ducked my head under the shower head. My wet hair gracing my shoulders and hiding my face.

Washing the sweat and dirt off of me, my mind a shattered mess. Trying to talk is useless, trying to play nice is useless. My wolf was feeling lonelier than ever, and she didn't deserve this.

We didn't deserve this.

I much rather be alone if it means keeping some semblance of my identity. I stay in the shower for a bit long before finally deciding to stop hiding. We needed to have a talk.

We needed to sort this out. Regardless of anything I thought, something in me wanted this to work. As a partnership, at least as friends before anything serious happens.

Who the fuck am I kidding? The man robbed me from my house and now my two babies are home alone! Thankful to Winter for looking after them, she didn't need to be apart of this mess, but I was happy she was.

That sounded really fucked up just now.

Wrapping myself in a towel I exit the bathroom and find a silk pajama set laying on the bed. Nikolai by the mini bar, with a glass of what smelt like whiskey in his hands.

"Nik we have to talk." say as I grab the pajama's and move behind the privacy screen set up in the opposite corner of the room. "And I mean a real conversation where we listen to each other and figure shit out."

"What is there to talk about?"

He sounds so calm, like nothings wrong. Everything is wrong!

"This situation. Nik I want to go home. And I mean my home, with my bed, and my TV, and drive my car. This whole thing is moving so fast and I don't know the first thing about you."

I slip on the set, the midnight blue silk dress falls mid thigh, and hangs delicately on my scarred shoulders. This is not something I would wear on my own.

"What do you want to know?" He sounds closer now. I step out from behind the divider, and see him now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It shouldn't be like that Nik. You shouldn't just do what I ask when I complain about it. I want to sort this out and come up with a proper solution so I don't kill you in your sleep."

He cocks an eyebrow at me as I huff crossing my arms.

"What you are asking for is something I can't give."

"Not that you can't Nik, you just won't." I move closer to him sitting next to him on the bed. "You're life style is completely different from mine, and your asking me to change everything about myself."

"You've been stagnant for most of your life Sol, you haven't had a sense of community and it shows."

"You haven't even known me long enough to say that, so how could you know?" I fire back quickly. "I'm not like you, Nikolai."

"You keep saying that." He sighs exasperated.

"Because it's true! I'm not and what you want is someone who's like you. If there is going to be something between us it can't be forced."

"Nothing is being forced. You need help with your growth. I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for us." He downs his glass and I find myself jealous and my tongue aching for the feel of alcohol running down my throat.

"I didn't ask for this. I don't do wealth and designer clothes, and body guards. The body guards especially cuz I don't like the idea of someone following me everywhere." I start towards the mini bar my eyes settled on a familiar bottle of a red labeled scotch.

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