Chapter 42- Junkyard Dog

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Producing a key from his pocket he uncuffs me. Setting the cuffs down on the bathroom counter, they clack together noisily against the marble. I wanted to strike at him with every fiber of my being. But I couldn't move my hands.

Not to hurt him.

He's begins running a bath, not waiting for me. Pouring some soap and bath salts into the water. My wolf took control, for a brief moment. Unnervingly calm. She's wasn't speaking to me.

Lifting my hands and reaching behind me to unzip the top. My breasts swelling up at the feel of freedom. He turns to me and freezes as I let the shirt drop to the floor. His eyes roaming my chest. My hands don't stop, sliding down the zipper at the back of the pants, shimmying my hips out of the tight fabric.

Sliding out of the legs and boots. My clothes on a bloody pile on the floor. His eyes burning a hole into my skin, looking at me with no shame. My panties are off next joining the pile.

He stares at me for a long time, but I don't cover myself. The tub slowly filling behind him. His hands reach up and he's starts undoing his own shirt. Popping each of his buttons. My wolf jumping up at the sight of him undressing before me. But I forcefully turn my eyes away.

One by one, I hear his clothes hit the floor.

"In the tub, little wolf."

I move towards the tub, the water steaming with a comfortable looking heat. Milky white and smelling of something sweet. I dip my toes into the water. My high slowly coming down and my senses becoming clear.

I suddenly feel very ashamed.

Lowering my body into the water, my skin singing at the heat. Blood washing into the water. I could feel the water rise as Nikolai moved in behind me. Looking over me in the spacious tub. I saw his arm reach out behind me for a bottle.

Why won't he talk?

I then feel his hands in my hair.  His fingers washing the blood out of my hair. I could see the foam turn from white to red in almost an instant. He kept washing my hair until all the blood was out.

He bathed with me. Scrubbing me himself and removing all visible evidence of my hard night. My wolf enjoying his careful attention.

We sure as hell didn't earn it!

He makes me brush my teeth, and he dresses me in his clothes. His scent wrapping around me and slowing my mind down. My high completely gone. All that's left is a raw emptiness in the middle of my chest.

What did I do?

"I know why it happened." Nikolai said as he sat down beside me on the bed, my body smelling of sweet lavender and rosemary. "I know why you did it. I'm not going to be angry at you because you were hurt. Hurt by me, hurt by Amber. Hurt by everyone around you."

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and my eyes fell away from his.

Shame on you!

His hand sliding into my hair and gripping tightly at the hair at the nape of my neck. Forcing my eyes to meet his, his eyes blazing with clear rage. "But this better be the last time this sort of thing happens. Because regardless of how angry you are at me, this was more than idiotic. I won't take your punishment lightly if this happens again."

I can't bring myself to respond. And he knows this.

"You are mine. Smelling others on you nearly drove me to take you right there on the pavement in front of everyone. To mark you properly. That way you can never leave me." His eyes glowing brightly. The cerulean blue trapping me as he leans in. His grip moving to my throat. He drags me back up the bed.

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