Chapter 24- Brawler's Mouth

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I looked at myself in the mirror and I almost didn't recognize myself.

Dressed in white slacks and a blue button up shirt with four inch blue heels. I looked, for lack of a better word, suburban. It was a huge contrast to my grunge, punk, lazy attire.

This made me look like I had my bachelors in micro economics and I didn't know how to feel about it.

Sighing and realizing there's no way out of this, I suck up my pride and head out. I find Victor outside the door waiting for me. Dressed casually in blue jeans and red button up shirt with the collar open.

"You are here, why?" I ask cocking my eyebrow at him.

"Here to lead you to breakfast. And to talk about last night."

I close the door behind me and sigh. Walking along side him down the hall. The house was sizable enough but I didn't think it was big enough to get lost in.

"So what about last night?"

"I didn't take you for a brawler." He says. "Your moves would be more effective and polished if you trained regularly."

"You came to insult me on how I fight?"

"Not insult. But when you brought us there, I just wasn't expecting you to join that."

"What did you take me for? A pussy? My fight skills are effective enough to do what I want to who ever it is I'm fighting against." I flash my fangs at him and he smiles.

"No offense Solus, but you're not trained. I can tell because you get too low, your stance is too wide, you rely too much on your speed and less on your strength. You apply brute force only when you have your opponent pinned beneath you."

"I've gone up against men twice your size and still won. What ever you have may work for you, but I have my own way." I say as I flick a strand of hair out of my face.

"I'm not saying you're hopeless, but you can improve. You fight like a wolf not a woman, you're all bite and claws and fangs."

"I fight like a wolf because I am a wolf. What's your point?"

"At Neoma we are opening a new program for pack warriors. I'll be teaching as I am the weapons master under Nikolai's rule. You'll learn technique and how to actually use the abilities you have in a more constructive way, rather than damaging." He says poking at the gash on my chin.

I growl at him not liking his patronizing attitude.

"And what are you going to teach me that I haven't already seen? Every single trainer that's walked into my pack came with the same bullshit and the same lessons. It all leads down to connecting with our natures and fighting strong."

"What I can teach you is some self control." He says.

"I have enough of that already."

"Not when you brawl. And I say brawl not fight because they are two completely different things in my eyes." He grabs my arm pulling me to a stop. "Your attitude and pride is the main reason as to why you aren't taking this conversation seriously."

I roll my eyes at him letting out an exasperated sigh.

"I think you've been on your own for so long, you don't know how to take help from anyone else."

"And I think your over stepping your boundaries, as you have absolutely no clue as to who I am." I growl stepping closer to him. "If last night gave you all such a scare then I must be doing something right. The men I fight with have years of war under their belts, and are twice the size of any normal wolf. Fighting against them in a full on bloodbath and being the only person to walk out of that, I deserve more credit than what you are giving me."

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